06| you rebuilt my heart✨

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It's just amazing how a person you met three days ago could turn your life rightside up when it feels upside down. It's also funny how that same person could cause your would to fall in just three days.

I loved him. I did. I didn't want to admit to myself and it took his gracious body lying in a hospital bed to bring me to my senses. He was always there when I needed him, he couldn't leave me now.

Rosé and I were going to get coffee before seeing Jungkook. According to the nurses they couldn't get in touch with his parents.

Rosé, Lisa, and Namjoon were the last few people with him before the accident so were permitted access until they could get in touch with his relatives.

Lisa applied one more thick layer of mascara before she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She looked at her visible stomach that was out since she decided to wear a half shirt. She rubbed it slowly before her smiled turned into that of a sad one.

She heard Rosé's veichle beep signaling her that it was time to go. Lisa sighed before looking at her watch and leaving. 11:00am

"How are you feeling?" Rosé asked as Lisa entered the car. After Lisa buckled her seatbelts Rosé sped away to the coffee shop. Lisa sighed. "I'm okay." she replied.

Rosé sent her a look of worry. "What?" Lisa asked shrugging her shoulders. "You're okay, and being okay is not good." Rosé spoke.

Lisa just looked out the window as she saw the coffee shop become near. "Whatever." Lisa replied before exiting the car not waiting for Rosé.

Rosé only sighed. She knew she was struggling with Jungkook being hospitalized and all, but Rosé knew her best friend. There was something else on Lisa's mind.

After purchasing their drinks Rosé stopped Lisa before she could walk out of the shop. "Lisa, we aren't going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you and I mean it. I am not afraid to cause a scene." she demanded.

Lisa's breath hitched. "What do you mean. Is said I was okay. I can assure you Rosé I feel fine." Rosé sent her glare. Lisa's eyes wondered to the floor.

"Jungkook..." Rosé cut her off. "Jungkook doesn't have a damn thing to do with it. I know you Lisa, what's troubling you. You can tell me."

Lisa sighed before she explained to Rosé what was bothering her. Rosé gasped as her drink hit the floor.

"Jeon Jungkook, room 1500." Rosé told the woman at the reception desk who flipped through a couple of papers before nodding and giving them visitor's passes.

Lisa sipped on her iced coffee as she walked down the hall to Jungkook's room. She had been shielding out the world for several reasons, but everything would be almost normal when she saw Jungkook, awake, in his hospital bed.

While on the elevator, it stopped to let another individual on who was, ironically, Jungkook's doctor. Rosé sighed knowing that Lisa wouldn't ask. "How is he doc?" she asked. The doctor smiled upon seeing their faces.

His smiled quickly faded capturing Lisa's attention. Did something go wrong? No it couldn't? But, why is he frowning? Her mind was spinning.

The doctor sighed. "I'm afraid he isn't doing too well," the doctor started. Upon hearing this Lisa dropped her drink, it's contents spilling onto the floor. "W-what?" she muttered.

The door avoided her eye contact. "The transfusion didn't go too well...his body...it's like it's fighting against him. We're doing everything we can, but there's a chance he won't make it. I'm sorry." he explained stepping out of the elevator.

CRYING IN THE CLUB - LISKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now