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We all loaded up and left heading back to the manor, but Sebastian was acting off and didn't seem like his normal calm self which worried me slightly. The only one that was calm and seemed like they knew what was going on was ciel and lizzy was smiling, ignoring what was going on.  'what is going on!?!' I thought to myself.


When we pulled up to the manor sebastian helped everyone out of the carriage but I stopped him, "What's going on? Why were you so on edge?" I asked. "I don't want you to have to worry about it kitten." he said sweetly. I shrugged it off since he's stubborn and there isn't anyway I could get him to talk. I walked in the manor behind Sebastian, once inside I went for the tree and stuffed my presents underneath while grabbing the first gift I got for sebastian and taking it upstairs. Once I was in the safety of my room I carefully unwrap the gift and pull the locket out.

I pull the photos from the folder and find one of me and sebastian kissing and another of us smiling. I cut both into little little heart shapes and slip them into the panels on the inside of the black locket. I closed the necklace and put it back in the little box and rewrapped it feeling satisfied with what I got him. I tossed all the scrap pieces of the cut photos and left my room heading back to the tree, when I was almost there Sebastian blocked my path. "What are you doing kitten?" He asked. "Oh nothing much." I said smiling.

He leaned over my shoulder but I hid the box just in time. "Kitten I know you're hiding something behind your back." He stated. "Yes but you're not allowed to have it yet." I stated walking away. I slipped the small crimson box under the tree and a pair of arms snaked around me pulling me backwards. "So you were tampering with my gift?" He asked, I nodded in response. He placed his hand on the back of my head and gently pulled me into a passionate kiss. When we pulled apart I was blushing a light pink. "Sebastian what if he shows up on Christmas, no one needs to find out about you like that." I said sadly think about what the strange man from my dreams said. "Don't worry kitten, with his religious beliefs he won't be showing up on that day so you can rest easily." He said holding me.

We both had to part since ciel called for Sebastian and I gave a small pout. "Don't worry kitten, I won't be long." He said kissing my forehead then leaving. I sat in the living room for a while just looking at the tree all lit up, 'Only a few days till Christmas huh?' I thought happily. I noticed the sun starting to set and Sebastian still wasn't back so I went to be nosy and listen in on the rest of the conversation him and ciel were having. When I get to his study I put my ear against the door and hear muffled words that sounded like ciel. "What are we going to do about him with everyone here? It will put them in danger since they are around you." Ciel said. "I would ask that you escort everyone to London that day, even (y/n) I refuse to let that creature have his way with her." I heard Sebastian say.

As I was listening they both stopped talking and I fell forward into the study. "How much did you hear?" Ciel asked. "N-not much but why am I being forced to leave the manor!?! And who is this person!?!" I said shouting. Sebastian grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. "Should we tell her?" Ciel asked looking at Sebastian. He shook his head giving a no but then explained, "This will only cause her to worry more about the matter and it's only a few days till the holiday. I suggest not telling her." I looked at Sebastian with scared eyes but ciel dismissed the two of us.

When we left Sebastian was walking towards the kitchen so I followed him. When we arrived at the kitchen he speedily started dinner and while everything had to sit he walked over to me. "Kitten do you understand why I wish to keep this from you?" He asked with a small frown. "I guess but I am still scared. What if this person is strong, please promise me you'll come back alive." I said letting a tear slip from my eye. The Raven wiped it and kissed me deeply. He pulled away and said 'I promise'. I plastered a smile on my face and let him get back to the food so it wouldn't burn.

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