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Okay, I want to apologize about the super late update... Please don't hate me I was just trying to figure out where to take the story... Go ahead and read ^^
(hopefully no errors)



I turned onto my left side and watched as Sebastian cleaned up the bloody mess and I slowly slipped into the darkness of sleep.


When I woke up I saw the yellow-reddish sunlight streaming in through the window. When I sat up I hissed in pain and cursed under my breath. I threw the covers off of my body and swung my legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand up. When I attempted to stand my legs went limp underneath me causing me to fall to the floor and I yelled when I fell. Moments later sebastian had burst in through the door and helped me up back onto the bed. "Are you alright kitten?" he asked worriedly. "Uh y-yeah but I can't feel my legs." I stated. "That's to be expected since you haven't used them in such a long time." he said calmly.

He sat next to me and notices something so he reached over to me. "What is it?" I asked. "You're bleeding from your stomach." he said. He lifted me up so I could pull my dress up and he could check the wound and when he did his eyes went wide. "What's wrong with it?!?" I asked in terror. "I'll be right back but kitten would you rather have a doctor visit or have me stitch the wound?"he asked with a frown. "W-what!?!" I screamed.

He told me to apply pressure on my stomach while he went and called the Doctor and when he came back he gave some bad news. "Unfortunately the snow is too thick for the doctor to come at the moment but you are in need of stitches kitten. If you don't get them then you have a possibility of bleeding to death." he explained T-then will you do it? I'm sure you know what you're doing." I asked. He nodded and left heading to some part of the manor while I sat on my bed clutching my side feeling a wetness slowly flow out of my side.

When he came back he wasn't alone, he had ciel and the servants with him, "Why are they here!?!" I asked panicking. "I don't have anything to numb the pain since it's only issued to a doctor so you are going to feel intense pain, they are going to hold you down so I can stitch it closed." as they came closer sebastian had them stop so he could dress me in something so the boys didn't have to see me nearly naked during the process. Sebastian put me in a pair of shorts and tore one of his shirts in half so that my stomach and back was visible then put me on the bed.

He told finny and ciel to hold my arms down while bard and mey-rin had been told to hold my legs down. I watched with anxiety as he sterilized the needle and the thread that was going to hold the wound closed. When he walked over to the side of the bed he told me he was going to count down before starting and when he reached zero he started stitching the wound shut. The entire time I was screaming, crying, and tensing my muscles. When he finally finished the front he poured alcohol on the wound causing me to hiss at the burning and stinging sensation.

He then placed a gauze pad on it and taped it down then had finny help flip me on my stomach. When they had me flipped over everyone had ahold of each limb and he counted down again before stitching. I couldn't scream during this, since my voice felt as though it was gone so all I could do was cry loudly. Luckily he finished quickly cleaning then bandaging it, as ciel was about to leave I heard him tell Sebastian that he had the day off so he could take care of me.

When everyone left sebastian had left only to come back about thirty minutes later with a tray of food. "You need to eat something, I'm sure that you're hungry." he said in that usual sweet tone and set the tray down on my lap. When he took the top off the tray the smell of the food made my stomach growl so I thanked him and started eating. Sebastian kissed my forehead and said he was going to cook ciel's dinner then come back. While I was eating I noticed that I hadn't eaten much before I was completely full, so I put the tray on the night table and laid down only to drift off to sleep.

While sleeping I heard the metal tray so I opened my eyes, "Did I wake you?" Sebastian asked quietly. "No." I said groggily. I sat up and hissed at the sudden burst of pain shooting from my side. "I'll be back in a moment, I just have to take this to the kitchen." he said then left. I sat in the darkness of my room just staring over at the window thinking about random things that popped into my head. I was snapped out of my thoughts from a hand touching me and I found my dark haired raven. "Are you ready to fall asleep now?" I nodded to his question and he layed down and then me.

The next morning I woke up to Sebastian's sweet smile, "Good morning kitten, how did you sleep?" he asked me. I gave him a bright smile, "I slept great and didn't feel much pain." He kissed me and slowly lifted me up just so I don't hurt that bad and luckily no pain. He looked at my stomach and started moving his hands towards the bandages, "Mind if I clean it?" he asked and I let him continue. While he continued with the cleaning I felt pain but not terrible pain like before. Thankfully it didn't last long and he helped me to my feet, "Today since your wounds are healing fine I thought about some rehabilitation for your legs." I smiled at how concerned he was.

He sat me on the bed and pulled out a medium length dark cherry red dress with tan lace that wrapped around the neckline and the same colour for a small bow placed in the middle. There was small red ribbons crossing at the neck and tying at the back, there was also a crossing ribbon on the stomach of the dress and a medium sized bow on the waistline of the back, the skirt tiered down and ruffled a bit at the bottom. He helped me put the dress on since I have little to no use of my legs and he helped me to my feet.

While standing, my legs had a tingling sensation running through and they started to hurt, "My legs hurt sebastian." I cried. "Can you power through?" he asked, I nodded giving him a yes and he started walking slowly. While we were walking I could slowly feel my legs getting stronger but they did hurt, a lot. Suddenly there was a crash of dishes and both Sebastian and I said 'mey-rin' in unison. He picked me up bridal style and we went towards her mess. when we arrive she was cowering in fear but when we looked towards the figure my eyes grew wide while a low and demonic growl left Sebastian.

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