Chapter 6

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(*Blair's POV*)

My eye-lids fluttered and thoughts tore through my mind like a raging hurricane. I clutched my head-- the pain was almost unbearable.

"Ah, god... Where am I?"' A grumbled rubbing my head; my eyes still closed from the excrusiating pain.

I sat there; head propped up against a cool surface, eyes closed, inhaling and exhaling deeply. The head ache resided and I blinked open my eyes, suddenly aware of something warm on my lap, it's warm breath touched my legs and I shivered.

 I hesitantly looked down and found, to my surprise, that there was a boy I'd never seen before lying on the seat next to me. His head rested comfortably on my lap and I could swear he was quietly snoring... it was cute. 

The boy alone was EXTREMELY cute. He had coppery brown hair that half covered his closed eyes and slightly tanned skin.

I couldn't resist, I lightly poked his cheek. He flinched slightly, but remained asleep. I poked him several more times to wake him up but I was only able to make him to roll on his side. My face flushed red, he was now facing me and I was suddenly very aware of how short my shorts were; I had to wake him up.

I lifted one of his eyelids and nearly jumped in surprise when I saw a yellowish-brown iris staring back at me. I recoiled and sat in a state of stunned silence.

I lifted his eye-lid again just to make sure that I hadn't been imagining things. I hadn't.

I gently poked him... nothing. I poked his cheek again; harder this time... again, nothing! I gently pushed him. becoming a bit annoyed. I shook him; nothing!

This guy just wasn't going to wake up!

Frustrated, I shoved him, "Thud." He landed down on the floor.

I held my breath.

My emotions were overflowing. A part of me wanted him to wake up... The other part was scared of what would happen when he finally did awaken.

But there was something else. Something very small inside of me that told me he was a threat and that I should kill him.

'He's too cute to kill.' I thought, still confused whether I wanted him to wake up or not.

After what seemed like forever, he rolled over, still asleep.

I let out a sigh of relief. 

"AHHH! WHO DIED?" The boy shouted bolting upright.

'Great,' I thought sarcastically. 'He falls on the ground and doesn't wake up but I breath and he wakes up like there's a fire.' 

"Who are you?" He asked, staring at me with his golden-brown eyes.

I gulped 'He looks even cuter awake!'

"Who are you?" I asked firmly, trying not to show weakness in front of him.

He laughed, scratching his neck. "Well since that didn't help, let's start off with this... What's your name?"

"I don't remember... What's yours?" I asked cautiously. I didn't care how cute he was; he was acting too nice.

The boy paused for a few moments before answering. "I don't remember either... But I think it had something to do with a cat."

I stared at him skeptically, I had hoped he would have had a cuter name. "A cat? What kind of name has something to do with a cat?"

"I don't know maybe the name Lion or Tiger or something like that... I got it! My name is Puma!"

"Puma? What kind of a name is Puma? I think you look more like a Lynx." I laughed; I had just thought of the coolest cat name I knew and Lynx happened to be the best one to come to mind.

He paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Well then, Lynx it is!" He smiled. "Now, what should I call you?"

"Any name will do." I shrugged. After all it was just a name, it didn't really matter to me.

"What about Blair?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I don't think that name suits me... what about Belladonna?"

"No, that name doesn't suit you. It's too old fashioned."

"Then what do you propose I be called?" I asked frustrated.

"What about... Inky?"

"Inky?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well I mean you look like an Inky."

I was rather taken aback and was about to reject the idea when he smiled at me, slightly tilting his head to the side.

'Holy Shit that's sooo cute!' I thought to myself.

"Are you ok?" He laughed, and I realized I had been starring at him, my mouth slightly open.

I ducked my head.

My hair fell over my face, covering what a deep shade of red it was turning.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, embarrassed into the next galaxy. 

"So... what do you think?" He asked.

"That sounds good." I replied, not paying any attention, more from embarrassment than from what he was saying.

"Alright then! What should we do now?" He asked clapping his hands together.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, what do you think we should do?"

He stared at me, skepticism written all over his smug little face. (He was far too annoying to be considered cute.) "You're kidding right? We're trapped in some sort of box thousands of miles underneath the sea and you can't think of any thing?"

I snapped out of my daze, "I don't remember being elected to be the leader of this 'group'."

Lynx smirked,"Too bad. This isn't a Democracy."

"Well, since you clearly decided this isn't a Democracy, I'm pretty sure that makes you the leader, not me." I retorted.

Lynx seemed at a loss for words. Then he got a sly grin on his face. "So I guess it's true what they say, women are inferior to men."

My eyes flashed with anger, "Why you little...!" 

I slamed him against the wall of our container and heard a deafening crack.

"Oh, my God!" Lynx yelled in surprise after I had yanked him away from the glass.

We both stared in a state of frozen shock as we watched a steady stream of freezing water pour into the room.

"We're going to die!" I breathed, as a puddle of water formed on the floor.

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