Chapter 22

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Flame was becoming impatient.

I could tell.

The faerie woman had made a big deal about having made a mistake and then she didn't tell us what it was. Instead she invited us over to a local cafe for tea. It was such a stereotypical Faerie move, calming someone down with tea before giving out bad news. But, I wasn't going to complain. After all she was clearly a notable public figure. Flame, on the other hand was full of complaints. It took Drew ten minutes to get her to stop complaining. Gods above, she was getting on my nerves.

Her discontent was understandable though. We were making slow progress and with someone like Belladonna after her sister, I was becoming slightly on edge as well.

It wasn't Belladonna who scared me though. She may have immense magical power, but her control over it is awful. Her father is what scared me the most.

The Emperor of Miseroria was not a man to be trifled with, he longed for power and killed anyone who would try to take it away from him. Flame's mother had tried to do that, 'And look where that got her.' I thought glumly.

Her children.

They're the only ones who are capable of stopping him. If only they weren't all so difficult to find.

I had just barely managed to find one, and there are still five more out there. Amy, Samantha, Terra and the twins. Samantha and Terra would be easy to find, and I had gotten to them in time to make sure they'd be raised in a magical environment. That meant they wouldn't need training. The only problem was convincing them to join us. 

I glanced over and noticed that Flame's impatience was at it's boiling point. She looked like she was about to explode. I sipped my tea cautiously before finally breaking the long silence.

"Sellion," The faerie twinged a bit, she had clearly not been anticipating that I knew her name. It had taken me a while to remember, but I never could have forgotten a person as important as her. "what do you know about Amy?"

"Silver-Haired-Witch, you are aware that there is another following Amy, are you not?" Good. She knew who I was, that would make negotiations easier. But how much did she know about me? If she knew too much there would be trouble. If Flame were to find out who I was now, then everything would be ruined.

"Of course, but the likely hood that she has any memories is very slim. According to my records the Princess has a very rare illness that causes her memory loss after making hyper jumps."

"Never the less, The Princess of Miseroria is dangerous. She has immense magical power. If she were to remember, it would be catastrophic for Amy."

I nodded, "I am well aware of that. Now, tell me where Amy is so we can help her."

Sellion bowed her head in shame. "She looked so much like her.... We were all so sure. You have to understand, this is an honest mistake!" 

"What the hell did you do to my sister?" Flame roared.

"Flame, calm down!" Drew tried, unsuccessfully, to quell her anger.

"He's a sweet boy." I heard Sellion mumble almost inaudibly. "Or at least he acts like one. The blood he's spilt tells otherwise." Our eyed locked. "His soul is stained. Did you know that?"


I calmly placed my cup and saucer on the table. "Lady Sellion would you prefer to discuss this in private? I can send these two away if you would like." I asked over the shouting of Flame and Drew.

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