Drums Of The City Rain.

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The sound of summer rain drummed on the roof as I sat on the bed waiting for Gerard to join me. The kids were all tucked into bed asleep, Kristen and Mikey sleeping in the guest room with Bandit probably sleeping at the foot of the bed. None of us could bear to move her after the day we all had. Even though she seemed to be okay, she had still acted weird all through dinner at one of our the band's old stomping grounds, and underpriced Italian joint that had our first platinum record hanging over their register. The goofy expression on the entire band's face depicted on the polaroid picture that hung underneath made all of us including the kids laugh until we our sides hurt. After eating we all came home and acted as though it was any other day. We all got the kids ready for bed, shared some coffee on the patio once they were all tucked in and retired to our rooms. However, as soon as I had closed the door to our room Gerard retreated to the shower complainging about the product in his hair, and an edge in his voice that warned me not to join. I could hear him quietly singing the lyrics to Brother, as I quietly followed along with him. My temper getting out of control as much as it did today had left me with stress bumps around my mouth, and under my nose.  My fingers danced over the bumps as if my touch could calm them out of existence. It was wishful thinking, like the wishful thinking dwelling in my gut that Gee would talk to me. It wasn't that he wasn't speaking to me, it was just like he didn't really want to speak to me alone. I couldn't blame him, if it were my choice I'd rather not be alone with myself after the display of anger I had shown at the courthouse. The blame of his empty ring finger falling in my shoulder and my childish need to prove to a person from our past that I meant more. My own self doubt winning over the knowledge that this was forever. Winning over all of the hardship that was supposed to come to an end the minute we walked into the home that we owned together and planned to spend the rest of our lives in.

"Fuck that feels better." He almost moaned stepping out of the shower his naked body not having the affect it should have on me. I watched as he towel dried his body and pulled his hideous black terry cloth robe off of its hook. Shrugging it onto his shoulders, for just a moment looking a bit like a pimp. The mental connection making a laugh bubble out of my lips. "You can make fun of my robe all you want, sugar. But don't think I don't know about my old skeleton onesie hiding in the small box in the top of our closet." He smiled tying together the robes sash and swinging his hips as he walked toward me. A smile crept onto my lips as my tongue snuck out to lay just on the edge of my lip and then pull back in to bite the area.

"You know just as well as I do that I'd never get rid of the first thing I took off of your body." I smiled reaching my hands out to him. Following the hint he walked over curling up into my lap. The wetness of his hair grazing my chin and then laying on my shoulder. "Gee.." I said choking on the words I knew had to be said. There was a whole side of him I had been ignoring for a very long time. Writing it off that as long as he was sober I didn't have to worry about the other beautiful side of my fiancée. Almost gagging at the way I wasn't able to say husband. His eyes looked up at me with a sense of worry as he curled his pale, long fingers into my sweatshirt as if I couldn't leave him if he was clung to me. "Gee, baby I think there's someone we need to talk about." I finally said his eyes springing into his worry as the area between his eyebrows squished together with his fingers lacing further into my sweatshirts green fabric. "I've been ignoring a whole side of you that I fear you feel that you have to hide from me." I finally spit out pulling him as close to me as possible. Laying a small kiss on his forehead. "I love you, and I'll love every piece of you. Even the crazy ones." I joked bopping his nose with my finger. The expression he always had when he weighed his words heavily washing over his face.

"It's not that I'm hiding her, I just after all of these years." He paused sighing. Acting as though the feminine side of him was a totally separate person. "Frankie, are you really okay with the idea of me prancing around here with women's underwear on." He finally said reminding me of how I hadn't been as accepting once upon a time. Taking the statement as a challenge I flipped him onto the bed pulling his robe open kissing down his chest.

"As long as I get to take them off, kiss you, love you, and be married to you. You could run around here in a superhero costume for all I care." I said kissing to his waist feeling his hips quiver under my hands.

"Really?" He asked as if I ever said something just to say it.

"Really, princess." I smiled against his skin feeling what that nickname did to him. His cock hardening right next to my cheek. Turning my head I let my tongue graze the area a whimper sounding from his lips. "Now be a good girl for me, okay?" I asked his teeth clamped down on his bottom lip as he nodded. I fought my brain as it tried to over analyze this entire situation, but reminded myself to sit down with him and not have a lust fueled conversation about this. Taking the head of his cock into my mouth I skipped all foreplay and took him deep into my throat hearing the way he tried ridiculously hard not to moan like a hungry little whore. As I bobbed my head back up I let my tongue dance up his shaft making him curse under his breath as he fought the urge to thrust deep into my throat. Kissing the head his cock I wrapped my hand around him the slickness of my spit lubricating my hand so it could pump up and down him.

"F..fuck me, pluh..please Frankie."  Gerard moaned making me not skip a beat to jump up and straddle his hips digging the lube out of my side table and leaning to kiss him. "I love you." He said breathily his torso shaking underneath me in adrenaline and arousal.

"I love you too, and I'm going  to fucking marry you. Got that Gerard Arthur Way." He whispered in his ear as his hands wrapped around hips pulling my erection into his. Causing our moans to crash together in our closeness.

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