One Part Silver, Two Parts Love.

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My hands began to shake as the chanting continued regardless of the glares being thrown at them by the band. Locking eyes with Jarrod, his face paled and eyebrows furrowed as I begged for the strength to turn around. The strength to turn and lock eyes with at least Gerard to perhaps telepathically beg him to just stay there. Stay there, plug his ears with some show tunes and just not go looking for a bottle of whiskey, or anything for that matter. Suddenly the chanting stopped as my heart quickened so fast I felt as though it was the only sound in the room.

"So let's have a little talk you guys, because theres something that bothering me." Gerard's voice began making the crowd quiet even further as my legs involuntarily turned. "I love you guys, you know that. The twelve years of My Chem were some of the happiest and hardest of my life, but I kept going because of the fans. You guys are great and amazing, but I have to say your parents didn't teach you much about manners. I know the stage kissing didn't help things, and our attraction had always been obvious. However don't you guys think that we deserve privacy? I mean, do you make up ship names for you friends?" he paused taking in a breath and turning to me. I suddenly felt like a I had just walked into school in my underwear with a spotlight burning into me. I watched as cell phone cameras raised and others people just gawked unsure of how to react. "Frank, sweetheart come here." Gerard smiled holding his hand out as my heavy legs inched toward him. He must be crazy I chanted in my head as I clenched my injured fist together letting the twinge of pain attempt to take the edge off. "So everyone knows Frank." he paused making the crowd erupt into laughter that made me jump slightly as our hands clasped into one another's. "Well you see, Frank and I are kind of..." he trailed off looking over at me waiting for my approval. Nodding slowly his hand squeezed mine with a sentiment otherwise undetected. "So you see, Frank and I are kind of a thing." he smiled as if a weight had just jumped off of his chest and sunk deep down into the ocean. Freeing him from his fears, and most of the reason we could never get our shit together.

"FRERARD FRERARD FRERARD." a small group of fan girls echoed in the back corner of the venue pulling both Gerard and I's eyes away from one another's searching for them.

"Oh come on, you little shits. We just went over this." he laughed trying to write off his insult as a joke that would probably go over the young girls heads. "What i'm trying to say is, well I love this man. I've loved this man for a long time, and I fucked it up every time. I fuck up all the time actually." his voice cracked as I moved closer to him. His words socking into me like I had never heard him say I love you before. The weight of the words seemed to just crash onto me like a ton of bricks. He was really in love with me, he really fucking loves me; my brain screamed like a teenage girl as I looked over at him with half a wish for him to kiss me and half a wish for him to keep talking. "I fuck up a lot, because well that's just me; but one thing in my entire life I ever did right was this man right here." his voice cracked again tears now falling slowly down his cheeks. "So guys, I have a question to ask, and I was wondering if you guys help me out ?" he asked extending his hand out to the fans waving their screams higher and looking over to side stage, then back to me turning his body so that both of my hands were in his grasp. The crowd began to cheer, scattered screams breaking through as if their wishes of My Chem getting back together were coming true. Breaking my eyes away from his I looked to the front row some of their faces streaming with tears as I suddenly became aware of my own that tumbling down my hot reddened cheeks.

"Gee." I whispered throwing my arms around him the microphone toppling down to floor queuing a loud staticky sound that I would have typically cringed at. One of his arms wrapped around me as the other reached over my shoulder.

"Turn around, baby boy." he smiled dropping the arm from around me and grabbing my hand; the crowd continuing to cry, scream, and applaud. My body turned toward the screens that lit up the back of the stage. A joyful sob ripped through my body as I scraped my sweaty hands under my eyes trying to clear the tears away so that I could make sure I was reading the words correctly. Will you marry me? spelled out in red bold lettering making the pit of my stomach clench up into my heart and my eyes well again as I turned to look over at him. One of his black clad knees on the ground with a pale elbow perched upon it holding a small black ring box.

"Fuck." I breathed dropping to my knees in front of him crying into his shoulder with a furious nod. Greatly ignoring the fact that I was probably staining his shirt with sweat, tears, and the little bit of eyeliner I had on. "I love you." I whispered my voice cracking as his arms wrapped around my short body and pulled me up with him. My shaky knees causing me to heavily rely on him to even stand up remotely straight as he slipped the simple band over my finger, making me feel like I was 22 again; infatuated, in love, lustful, joyful, and overall just content. Turning my body to the crowd I sucked in my emotions and held my hand out so they could see the silver ring. "Now let's put on a fucking concert." I screamed excitedly adrenaline coursing through me like heroine, and turning to kiss Gerard as he handed me my microphone. The crowd began to jump as the band started the intro to joyriding, and my voice started to sing along. Kissing me hard on the cheek Gerard walked off stage leaving me to perform probably my best show ever.


"That's not just any ring you know." Gerard whispered against my bare chest still heaving from making love. My eyebrows cocked as my banded finger ran through his hair. "I actually had to fight Mikey for it, so we ended up splitting the ring in half." he continued propping himself up on his elbow grabbing my hand. "The band a combination of Grandma Elena's wedding band and engagement ring. I gave Mikey the stones." he smiled kissing it as I wiped away a sentimental tear. "Mom knew better than to give me the ring for Lindsay, and it should have been a red flag when I didn't even ask for it.." he trailed off looking up at me wiping the small tear off my cheek.

"I fucking love you." I smiled knowing that the greatest gift he could ever give me besides his love now resided on my finger. Looking up, I thought about heaven and wondered if it was really up there if Nonno and Elena were looking down on us toasting us finally getting our shit together.

"I love you more." he whispered throwing his leg over my waist and smothering me in a gentle kiss as his hand clasped into mine pushing them above my head.

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