The Defintion of Home Unraveling Around Us.

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Dressed in our wedding finest, the kids played tag through the hallway. Their voices filled the wooden hallway making me thankful that we were the only ones here other than the ancient looking secratary. Mikey, Gee, Kristen, and I kept sneaking looks at each other trying to communicate an unspoken game plan. Just in case god forbid some fan girl, member of our past, or all around crazy person decided to crawl out of the woodwork challenging our wedding day. Honestly at this point if I had to marry Gee with my foot down someone's throat, and a gun in my hand I'd do it. I was not walking out of this god damn building without my grandfather's wedding band on his hand. 

"You okay?" Gee leaned over lacing his fingers in mine the smell of his shampoo wafting into my nostrils. The rosemary mint smell mixed with his Demeter Paperback cologne made my chest rise and fall back into its typical rhythm. The nerves of not actually getting to say "I do" fizzling away where the ones of actually saying it had run to. Kissing his forehead with a nod I reached to straighten his bowtie. A sentiment that we had been trading for years. Being the only one that could tie a tie all through revenge era reminded me of the way Mikey, Gerard, and Ray had all lined up side stage for me to fix their knotted up ties. I had to give them credit they tried really hard to learn, my catholic school boy hands just easier to use. Mikey and Ray eventually caught on as i'm sure Gerard secretly did. He just loved the way my hands got to touch him and then pull what almost seemed like a leash around his neck toward me. His feet falling toward me as I always snuck a little kiss on whatever body part fell toward my quickest. The meaning of a kiss on the lips equaling to one on the cheek, forehead, nose, and sometimes even eyelid. "You're so anal about ties." he teased me as I pulled on his one more time trying to get it  just right. Leaning close to his ear in an effort to not scar anyone in the room with my words, my dry lips parted.

"You never complained when I had the tie knotted around your wrists as I fingered your ass with the band only a curtain away." I whispered his face turning beat red his and instinctively going to my thigh tracing the area as the level of dominance tipped around unable to find a resting place. "Gonna fight it, princess?" I teased reaching between the small space of his body and the wooden bench pinching the edge of his ass cheek that I wished I was slapping open palmed or with a belt letting him be a submissive mess on my lap.

"No baby boy I think you're fighting me." he murmured with a small glance around as his hand tangled into the side of my hair in a way that anyone else would think he was just brushing it with his fingers. When in reality her was pulling it making my pants become unbearably tight against my cock. I cursed under my breath as he smiled with his victory. 

"Iero-Way wedding." the judge called over the loudspeaker, deja vu hitting all four of the adults as Bandit attempted to wrangle all of her little siblings. Kristen aiding Bandit as Mikey nodded toward us with a reassuring smile. Before entering the courtroom Gerard grabbed me by the small of my back yanking me to him kissing me. The kind of kiss that made every part of my body want to tear itself apart to shove the pieces down his throat so I could always feel him.  We mouthed a quick I love you before walking in the doorway and down the aisle hand in hand our white suits not quite as shining new as they were yesterday but the symbolism stood. We were nowhere near virgins but today the past was officially washed away. I zoned out in his hazel eyes for most of the time that the judge spoke. Until he pointed at me "The couple has prepared their own vows." he said looking at me for once letting the short guy go first.

"Gerard." I started tears already pricking at my eyes as I realized that this was finally happening and all I wanted to hold him close and kiss every inch of him. Swallowing hard I opened my mouth again. "I have waited for this day a lifetime it seems like, the day that I got to stand here looking into your hazel eyes. I promise to love you forever, wiping our past away, living for our now and our future. Loving you, every side of you. I paused looking back at Kristen who was sniffling into an embroidered handkerchief that read "no ugly tears" in bright orange stitching. "Gerard Arthur Way, I promise to always make sure there's always coffee. I promise to never take your comic books or records out of order, and I promise to never go to bed angry." I caught a glimpse of Mikey flash his chuckley smile behind my blushing groom. The judge motioned to Gerard looking at us as though he could care less this was the happiest day of my life.

"Frank." Gerard said his eyes glossed over in a determination not to tear up. "Today we wipe everything away. Starting with a cleanness that can only be our seal to eternity. I know that forever doesn't exist, no matter how many people think i'm a vampire." Gerard paused as we all bursted into laughter even the kids. "But believe me when I say forever, because i'll find you in our next one. Only next time hopefully i'll do everything right, and get to hold you every night of our young adult lives on. I promise to kiss you every morning and night. I promise to cherish you, and support your growing collection of guitars. Mostly I promise to love you, today, tomorrow, and until the day I die and find you in our next life." He smiled his toothy little grin a tear escaping his determination. 

"Frank, do you take Gerard to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the judge asked

"I do." I beamed reaching for Gerards hands for a moment of inner ease to the excitement that was bubbling in me as I slipped the ring on Gerard's finger doing inner backflips as it slid on perfectly. 

"Gerard, do you take Frank to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the judge turned to Gerard asking making his face light up.

"Hell yeah I do." he said overzealously making me smile in an I can't take you anywhere type of manner as Bandit ran up handing him something. My eyebrows raised as he slipped a thin jade band next to the band made out of Elena's silver wedding ring. Reminding me that I had something wonderful in common with Kristen our wedding rings being from the biggest influences in our husband's lives. 

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss." The judge finally smiled cracking his hard expression as I grabbed Gerard quickly pulling him into me before he could do the same laying my lips on his. His lips wrapping around mine, the definition of home unraveling around us like a red carpet into our forever.  

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