Take Him

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As he slipped out of the door my heart began to beat through my chest. Did that just happen? Where those really his lips? Had he had his hands on me and in my hair? A million whirling questions clustered their way on the bridge of my nose. "Fuck Jamia." I cursed gathering my thoughts and running a clammy hand through my hair. Praying that Mikey or Ray had spun some fabricated story to cover my ass I tried to talk my raging subconcious up to be able to join the "party." I could hear hear music coursing through the newlyweds small home. Cautiously walking out of the small garage studio into the as the garden full of supportive friends and family. I still couldn't believe the young Way brother had found his way happily down the altar before his brother and I. Jealousy and confusion was mixing itself together at the surface of my skin making me shiver and ill. "Frankkkkk." Jamia sing songed her way toward me drunkenly laying her arm over me. God Mikey hadn't been wrong, my wife was ridicuously drunk. The smell of her breath alone made my skin crawl and want to shove her somewhere away from me.  "I dont have the fucking mental capacity to handle this." I groaned at myself pulling her closer to me and attempting to lay her body over the couch. Lynz's suspicious eyes caught mine as I attempted to look lovingly at the shell of a women I was supposed to love. She knew, I wasnt sure how she knew about gerard and I but she knew. It was almost like on a drunken bender he had let it slip and royally screwed both of us. The party continued to buzz on as I was forced to babysit Jamia on the small couch. To keep her from drinking more or embarrassing himself. Celebratory speeches, dances, cake cutting and rice throwing all ensued making me dizzy. Making me yearn even more to replace the youngest Way brother with the eldest and put myself in Kristen's place. All of the guests had left and I was irked to have missed getting to say a geninue goodbye to Mikey. Annoyed I pushed myself off the couch and walked around the party needing to get away from the smell of alcohol. From across the room Gerard's eyes ran over my body. An erotic distant conversation coursing through the room like electric wave lengths that made my cock harden slightly. God he still had this crazy affect on me. His hand came up to his chest and tapped his suit pocket as he turned on his heel reminding me of the note I had slipped in my own pocket. I couldn't help but drink in the sight of him, and drown in the intoxicating notion that I had just laid my lips on his I smiled. An ear to ear grin big enough to constitute a sociopath's.

Dearest F,

If you're reading this it's because everything went well. Let me tell you how happy that makes me. Let me remind you how much I love you and always have.

 I know you're going on tour next week, let me come with you.

Let's go away together like we always planned.

Your's forever,


Tears welled into my eyes quickly as I peered around the room as if taking a headcount of my responsibilities. One of them passed out on the couch, 3 of them at home happy as can be with their nanny, and my last one staring back at me as my eyes caught a mirror. My happiness. Weighing my options heavily I paced along the empty room as the sound of Lynz and Gerard faintly fighting filtered through the cracks of a closed door willing me closer.

"Seriously stop yelling you're being dysfunctional and people are going to hear you"

"No Gerard, the only other people left is your ex lover and his drunk wife. You've been somewhere else all night."

A pause in her voice made my breath hitch.

"You've been with him, and i'm done trying to be enought for you. Don't you see that. I thought having Bandit would get your shit together, I thought you would be able to finally get out of your fantasy world."

Her voice sounded so hurt, and although she wasn't my favorite person, I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just wanted to be happy, I had been so convinced having a family myself would fill the void that whipped through me like a tornado daily but as the years had ticked away it had only gotten worse. Looking over toward Jamia I imagined the conversation I would have to eventually have to have with her. The one that would leave my kids virtually fatherless and a beautiful undeserving women heartbroken. Just as I had made up my mind to carry Jamia to the car and drive back to our hotel and just forget the entire night. Forget the kiss, the words, the love that was still strong enough to make me rethink everything. The door swung open with a red faced Lynz storming out steam almost coming out of her ears. Her eyes connected with mine and her rage seemed to bubble further. "He's always wanted you, and you him. So just fucking him take him Frank. Just fucking have him and make him happy because lord fucking knows I can't." She screamed taking a step toward me as if she was going to hit me but instead fell onto my chest crying. Gerard's apologetic face met my eyes in the doorway of the battlefield room as he mouthed the words I wished I could actually hear him say "I love you." The mixture of feelings coursed through the room leaving me settled in an odd pool of awkwardness. 

  Finally Lynz spoke drawing away from me and whisering "Fuck you." her voice laced with spite and saddness. There was no way to defend myself, I was the disguting person that was tearing apart a family. Little did she know one way or another a family was going to be torn apart. The reason resting on either love or a left over dosing of teenage angst leading to suicide.  Lynz stomped out of Mikeys house her heeled boots clicking on the way making her dramatics almost laughable. "Frankie, what are you thinking about?" Gerard asked stepping toward me caustiously in case Lynz decided to come back. But also as if the last 5 miniutes and his wife's words had changed the feelings we had shared for the last 10 years. I took a quick peek over my shoulder ensuring Jamia was still asleep I laid my hands on Gerards chest pushing him backward. Pushing him backward to a bedroom off the kitchen. As much as this could be measured as wrong, it felt more right than lying for the rest of my life and setting a false example of happiness. "Frankie." He moaned lowly as he tipped his head down ghosting his lips over mine trying to tease me. Shoving him passionatly and roughly onto the bed the sound of the springs made a gratifiying sound. Straddling my hips over his feeling the hard length already pressing through his black slacks I let out a slutty moan. It had been fucking years since i had been this hot and bothered without alcohol. Crashing my lips to his and yanking at his tie making the knot unravel and his body turn into putty our little moans broke our kiss. Every sensation more than we could handle. His hands reached up to my button up green dress shirt and made quick work over the buttons. My tattooed chest shivering over the sudden change of tempature. His lips kissed over the art that covered my skin and he grazed his teeth over my overly sensitive nipples remebering my buttons. "Oh fuck, honey," I moaned pushing him back down flat on his back and standing to remove my pants and boxers. His hands worked on his own and I pulled them down his long legs his eyes looking up at me hooded in lust. "I need you." he whispered seductivlly goading me on as I pulled his boxers down as well. "Where do you need me." I smirked, my dominate side emerging driving both of us sexually mad. Flipping himself over onto his back letting his ass shine up at me I slapped it. Just as a precaution to remind him that even though I was shorter I was fucking in charge. His small whimper pulled me closer and against him as I worked my way into his backside. Silently wishing it had only been penatrated by me I used the slight jealousy to guide my hips against him. "Fuck." he muttered against the bed spread. I couldnt help but remeber the small apartment that we had rented secretly in LA. All of the nights we had spent there "writing" when in reality we had been ruining bed sheet after bed sheets and breaking tables. These thoughts made my hips speed up to an almost punishing speed. "Touch me, please baby." he begged angling his hips so that I could wrap my hand around his manhood. Obliging him immediatly I could feel my orgasm approcaching. A series of moans and curse words fell out of our mouths forgetting the need to be quiet and ignoring the fact that my wife was 15 feet away. Both of us reached our peak together and made our screams of pleasure harmonize into something that I thought sounded more like a song intro than a porn scene.

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