I Didn't Want To Be The One To Tell You This.

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Gerard peeked over at me every time I made a move. Each time I raised my arm to comb my hair, or brush my teeth, and almost jumped out of his skin each time I walked into the bedroom to change the song blaring on our speaker. All the while peeking through the corner of my eye I had to almost pinch myself as it set in that in less than 4 hours I would be his husband, and he would be mine. I knew that if my thoughts were audible i'd be classified as insane. Obsessive compulsive in the way that I thought of how beautiful he is every second of the day, how I thought about running my hands up and down his body in every way possible. The sexual, the gentle, and the sadistic. Wanting to hear the sounds that each action created. His mewls and moan, whines, and sighs that were the epitome of perfection making me swoon at even the thought. I had to silently remind myself that being homosexual, or bisexual, or whatever the fuck I was hadn't been considered a mental illness since the 70's at the latest. Pushing the overbearing weight of labeling myself out of my mind I reminded myself that it didn't matter. Happy mattered, love, contentment, this marriage; none of the other shit could even begin to matter among this list. However, I was crazy in love, and that sometimes made me worry just a little bit. In the fear of getting carried away, but I just couldn't and wouldn't ever try to stop.

"I think i'm going crazy." Gerard finally said laying his toothbrush on the counter and walking to the window. My eyebrow cocked up at him as I reached over turning off his sink's faucet. For someone that had spent years living in California in the drought, he still didn't seem to always understand the concept of saving water.

"Oh goodness, well I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you this but love, you're like off your rocker crazy." I laughed, as he turned toward me his face not entirely amused, but a hidden little smirk that probably meant i'll still beat your ass started to prevail.

"No Frank, i'm serious I keep hearing something downstairs, but Mikey's rental car isn't in the driveway." he turned to me grabbing a some clothes off the bed and throwing me a shirt and shorts out of my drawer. Making me laugh in the way that even after all these years, his hygeine just downright sucked. Where as I had always found a way, even if it was a hose to shower and wash some clothes. Making myself feel even a fraction of human while on tour. While the other guys, the Way bothers especially; just sat in their filth making the bus stink waiting for a hotel 3 towns over.

"Well then okay, let's go take a look." I said pulling my shirt over my wet hair and kissing his cheek. As I opened the door he grabbed my waist walking behind me the shorter one of us two crouching to hide behind my small frame. "Oh sweetheart." I chuckled walking until my toes hovered over the edge of the top shelf, the sound of one of our cupboards closing making me jump backwards. Moving too fast for Gee's grip on my Iron Maiden shirt to stick I threw my feet down the stairs ready to defend my home with what I didn't know, but ready nonetheless. Her voice hit me like diet soda, sticky and fakely sweet. Making my skin want to crawl off of my skeleton and run to the basement. A sense of fear, unease, and anger snaking around my old bones. That felt exposed in a way I never thought i'd feel in my own home again.

"Well hello Frankie." she smiled her fake smile as she drew out the e's on the end of the nickname that I prefered only Gerard to use when addressing me. Lindsay had always put on that smile as a way to challenge me. Her peering beady and bloodshot eyes peeked around to see if Gee was far behind me. Not earning the attention she needed for the spectacle of a shit show she was trying to put on she opened her mouth back up, the words less sweet and mostly condescending. "C'mon out Gerard. It doesn't do you any fucking good to hide from the mother of your child you eventually have to see me again." Her words cueing his bare feet to slowly come down the stairs. The change in her tone, and her treatment of Gerard perked up what seemed like a sleeping beast inside of me as the gloves were off. I refused to be the nice guy anymore, even for Bandit's sake. 

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