Oh My Love, My Love, My love.

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He was face down into a pillow his side table overturned, the shower water running as I walked into the room. His shirt thrown on the floor, as I watched his back heave up and down. Assessing the damage and looking over his skin for any marks I walked toward him, unsure of what to say. Guilty in my sense of jumping to conclusions, and trembling in fear that I may just be right. The words "Fix your shit" and "You don't get to run here when things don't work out with your mistress, Frank." swirled around in my brain falling like a toilet down my throat making me choke on any words that tried to come out. Taking a the last step to where my knees touched the edge of the bed I reached out to tap his calf only to be met with a pillow thrown at my face.

"Mikey, I told you to leave me alone." he growled with a wetness in his voice that could only be from the aftermath of crying. Lowering my hand down onto a bare part of his calf that was still half covered in a pair of disheveled pajama pants half crowded around his knee.

"Gee, it's me." I sighed unsure of exactly where to go with my speech of i'm sorry I lost my shit, but I need answers. His body toppled over onto his back sitting up jamming his back against the the headboard looking at me wide eyed. As if he thought he'd never see me again, as if in the world of possibilities Jamia would have opened that front door and taken me into our bedroom that we used to share and kiss my neck the way she used to causing me to fall into bed with her. "Gerard?" I questioned his eyes still like a deer in headlights looking over my body in confusion. He nodded bringing his legs to his chest, waiting for me to pull some shit along the lines of throwing stuff in a bag and huffing out. Running away from issues like I used to, like I almost did. "We need to talk about this, I flew off the handle, and i'm sorry for that. But, Bert on the other end of that phone." I paused turning my back trying to fight tears. "I just thought I wasn't enough again. I just fucking lost it. Tell me Gee, please just fucking tell me you haven't been talking to him. Please tell me this isn't 2000 fucking four again, please just promise me that all of this." I sighed turning to him again waving my arms around like a lunatic feeling my voice break into the yell it had been suppressing for what seemed like ages. "Tell me that everything we've planned, and built isn't a lie." Finally his body moved as my words stopped crawling to the end of the bed, his face melting into a soft one.

"Oh my love, my love, my love. Fuck, no no please listen to me." he begged throwing his legs over the footboard and standing in front of me. "I love you, you are my happily ever after. My fucking happy ending. Bert started calling about a week ago, I guess the news of us had finally filtered to him, or it took that long for him to track down my number. I made the mistake of answering the call to tell him to leave me the fuck alone, and well now he won't stop." His hands wrapped around my cheeks as my tears broke free falling on his pale long fingers that tried to awkwardly wipe every tear away. "Please, oh baby stop crying." he sighed laying his lips on mine making my arms wrap around him pulling him impossibly close to me. Pulling him even closer than we had been this morning before Bert, before anything that came between us. The moment repeating itself like deja vu over both of us our kisses accelerating and his finger trailing down to cup my backside. Leaving only a giggle to fall out of my lips messing up the perfection that was our kiss. "Oh, sugar. You're beautiful, handsome, perfect." he said kissing my lips quickly between each word making me remember just why I loved him for any doubt that could ever pop into my brain.

"I'm so sorry." I sighed leaning up on my toes to lay my forehead on his so that I could feel his breath all over my face, as it got heavier. Before I could open my mouth anymore his mouth attacked mine pushing my backwards and sideways so that my back laid on the bed, my eyes wide looking up at him like the precious thing he is. Reaching my hand to his bare chest, angled over me sucking in a rough breath. "Jesus." I moaned putting emphasis on the J and E so that is sounded more like "Geesus." He stood taking off his pajama pants his half boner standing at attention even not fully erect as I could feel myself already bursting out of my pants. Not taking a moment to think I pulled off every article of clothing off of my body and looked at him as if it was our first time again. I was so unsure of what was next, unsure of where to touch or lay. His hand wrapped around the drawer handle of my side table that was still standing pulling out the bottle of lube we kept there. I closed my eyes trying to compose myself as best as I could not even feeling the weight shift on the bed, leaving his back against the headboard as he looked at me with eyes that only meant one thing. That he wanted to make love to me, that he wanted my body over his. Our legs tangled and locked together the only key our orgasm. Crawling to his lap I dipped my head to where my lips could graze all over his jaw, collarbone, and neck. Teeth slipping slowly into the gentleness only making his mouth part and sound in the slutty manner that only he could pull off. I felt his cock swell underneath me with just the slight grind of my hips against his. "Please touch me." I begged laying my hand on the bottle that held the lube. Fighting the urge in my fucked mind to beg him to fuck me like a whore. This was far from the time. Taking my cue as a last ditch effort of begging he opened the bottle squirting a good amount into his hand and then stroking it along himself, before reaching a slick finger behind me sinking into me. I couldn't help but purr to the feeling as I ground my backside back into his finger. He pulled out only to meet my whimper with two fingers as they pumped in and out of me hitting the right spots making me so thankful the house was empty. I was putting on a show Leviathan style right here in our bedroom. His fingers left me just to grab my hips, and pull me closer to him and adjusting us together like two puzzle pieces waiting to interlock. Without warning he thrust into me pulling me as close as possible as I basically collapsed against him kissing along all the same areas again. Both of us in bliss as he thrust up into me finding the rhythm with my almost erratic efforts to thrust back down onto him.

"I love you." he breathed pulling me into a deep kiss and wrapping a hand around my erection.I moaned with the contact so dramatically he lips left mine just to watch the way I responded to his touch. His thrusts into me becoming faster, and sloppier. Taking the cake to our quickest session, but on the top ten of most passionate. 

"I love you too." I gasped rolling my hips onto his cock and into his hand all at the same time melting with pleasure, almost crying from ecstasy. "I'm gonna.." I murmured and growled in the same breath as his hips hit just the right spot, and his thumb stroked over the top of my dick's sensitive head. He nodded in agreeance speeding his hips and hand in perfect unison making both of us grasp onto each other just to stay upright, the others name and I love you's pouring like a waterfall out of each of our mouths. My orgasm hitting first leaving his stomach covered in my cum, and the muscle spasms from my orgasm causing him to spill into me. Both of us collapsing sweaty, chest heaving together as he pulled out of me. As we recovered I rolled over onto his side of the bed and tangled my fingers in his. "I take it, you don't like the nightstands I picked out." I chuckled pointing over at the overturned table, lamp broken, emergency jade ashtray in pieces on the gray rug.

"Fuck im sorry, you know I how I get." he apologized his hand hanging on the back of his neck sorrow filling his expression as I laughed it all off. 

"Ya know, I think I can fix it. And it's okay I fought the urge to sink my fist into your robin egg blue hallway walls." I noted kissing his knuckles reminding him that issues and all he was still my everything. I knew I couldn't fix it, the plywood on the back of it all but splintered apart. Mirrored drawer fronts shattered making me thankful I wasn't superstitious. Leaning up to kiss his cheek, then his lips, and ending at his forehead my hand running over the half dried sticky mess all over his torso. "Let's see if theres still any hot water, and get cleaned up. As much as I love you covered in my cum. I don't think your brother or the judge wants to smell the stench of our sex while getting married." I pointed at the shower with a smirk his lips attacking back onto mine in a frenzy of kisses.

"You're still gonna marry me?" he asked in a whisper 

"I'd be a fucking fool if I didn't." I whispered back playfully running to the shower as he hopped off the bed chasing after me into our oversized bathroom. 

"Fucking broke tradition" he reminded me as we caught a glimpse of our sweat covered naked bodies in the mirror. Stopping for just a moment to drink in that image like good scotch. 

"Oh sweetheart, when so we ever follow tradition." I laughed wrapping my arm around his waist pulling him into a kiss and into the luke warm shower.

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