Chapter 19 - Winter Wonderland

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Ciel's POV
back to present

- So , where are you taking me ? Alois asked me as we made our way to my car.

I smiled, fumbling through my pockets . After a short while , I took out two yellow tickets , agitating them under Alois' nose.

- We're going to Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland. I announced, waiting for his reaction.

- Seems fun ! he exclaimed.

- I've been planning it for some time now. I hope you'll enjoy it !
I was glad he seemed this enthusiastic because the places weren't given.

I opened the car and got inside. Alois sat down to my left and buckled his belt. Once we were both setted , I handed him the park's coloured leaflet I had picked up a few days ago.

- Read it and while I'm driving and tell me what you want to do.

- Okay. Alois acquiesced, flipping through the pages.

I started driving with carefulness because I had noticed that Alois didn't seem comfortable with cars for some reason .

- The Giant Observation wheel looks fun ! Here's what they say about it : " Soar 60 metres above Hyde Park and enjoy amazing views of the London skyline." The blonde beamed , quoting the leaflet.

- We'll do that then. I approved . It was all about him anyway. I just hoped he wouldn't do things that were too crazy.

- I wanna go ice skating ! Oh , but the Berserk Circus seems nice too... He sighed, looking confused.

- We can do it all if you want to. There's no need to restrict yourself . I reassured him, still focused on the road.

- Thanks ~ Mh , and I think I want to go on a roller coaster too ! he exclaimed happily .

- R-roller coaster ? I stuttered. Oh boy. This was too crazy.

- Yes ! Is there any problem with that ? He asked , his tone almost teasing.

- No ! Not at all ! I retorted. I was too prideful to admit that rollercoasters scared me to death.

- Fine then ! the blonde concluded with a small smirk.

I held in a sigh. A rollercoaster. I did it for him anyway. I coud bear it. I hope this would make him happy , even if it was for a moment only.

For the past days he had tried to deceive me but I saw he was still bad. What had I expected ? That he would get rid of his self-hatred in two days because I told him I liked him ? Preposterous .

I parked in front of the park, ready to comply to his every word. We started by visiting the park, on Alois' request . There was a Christmas market with various stalls who sell diverse overpriced trinkets .

Alois bought himself a snow globe he found " cute " while I didn't buy anything. The tickets had almost ruined me and I didn't have money to waste on useless stuff.

- You look a little cold. I remarked after a while , noticing the goosebumps on his arms. Here . I handed him my jacket. Alois wrapped it around himself , visibly relaxed.

- Thanks. he said with a big smile, heading to the giant roller coaster he wanted to do.

- Didn't I tell you to cover yourself properly ? I sighed before following him , hiding the fact I found him charming in my coat. " Charming ?" What was this nonsense ? I must have a fever or something.

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