Chapter 10 - Somebody to die for

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" Cause I don't need this life
I just need somebody to die for. I've got nothing left to live for, got no reason yet to die."

-You're right . Alois murmured sadly.

The boys grudgingly pulled away from this awkard but tender embrace .

- Get over here. Ciel invited him to sit on the couch with a slight movement of the head.

He instantly regretted this action when a flash of pain seized him. He forced himself to keep a neutral face so as not to worry Alois. The blond was his priority, he could take care of himself later.

- Don't move. I'll be back in a minute ! Ciel warned before rushing to the bathroom.

He took the emergency kit that had been catching dust there since god knows how long. Ciel thought he would never have to make this purchase profitable ...

He noticed the giant mess that reigned in the room and promised himself to tidy it later, ashamed to have let a guest use it in this state.

Ciel returned with the box in his hand and sat down beside Alois.

- Where are you hurt? he asked.

- On the nose, and I feel like I'm gonna get a black eye ... I hurt pretty much everywhere, but I don't have any open wounds. The fair-haired boy explained laboriously.

Ciel sighed in relief. Though the idea of Alois suffering (and because of him, indirrectly), was intolerable to him, at least he did not seem seriously injured.

- I don't think your nose is broken. Ciel gently took Alois' face in his hands to inspect it from all angles. His skin was strangely soft,which did not escape to Ciel.

- Alois, I hope you're not discouraged ... It didn't exactly go well every time you came to my house but ... I assure you that I don't agree with anything that he said. Ciel explained, while healings his wounds with alcohol.

- Hmm. Alois said thriugh gritted teeth to avoid screeching at the pain.

- I really don't understand why he did that. That was all preposterous nonsense .

Alois shrugged his shoulders and declared imperiously:

- I couldn't care less about that asshole.

- That's the right attitude ! Ciel exclaimed.

Ciel went to fetch an ice cube he placed under the eye of the blonde, who shuddered at the cold bite.

- Are you sure of what you're doing ? he growled in pain.

- Don't worry. It will help stop the internal bleeding . The ice is also numbing, and it will get rid of the pain as well as the swelling. Ciel explained cleverly.

- Umf. Whatever. he replied

- Your pretty face won't be damaged too much. Ciel announced with sarcasm .

- Oh, what a joy! Alois retorted in the same tone.

Whilst looking at his swollen face, and handling it with caution , Ciel realized how handsome Alois truly was. The dark circles under his eyes and the small wounds didn't remove the charm of his ivory skin. His pink lips were invinting , and his ocean eyes so deep and the arch of his small nose so perfect . And it was frightening for Ciel, who did not usually find people attractive.

He finished quickly, ashamed by his own thoughts. Alois sank into the sofa, whinng:

-I want to sleep. I'm so tired.

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