Day Fourteen - Blue Shoulders

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Millie's P.O.V.

Then I did two things that I probably shouldn't have. Looking back on it, I should've gotten some of Stanley's water and pretended to be dead. But no, I got up and started banging on the door with my left shoulder (mistake number one) and then my right shoulder (mistake number two) so I had no "good" shoulders left.

I slowly sank to the floor next to the door, crying while hugging Finn's shirt. And then I figured it out. Bill had given us exactly what we wanted. He gave me an extra reason to break out of here. He killed the one person that actually wanted to die. He gave Jack a reason to go down swinging. He gave us hope by killing Finn. I got up again and started examining the hinges, realizing they were half-hinges and the door could be lifted. The only problem was the lock. "Find something to lift it with. Something heavy." I muttered to myself, remembering what Pirates of the Caribbean taught me about leverage. I slowly turned around, realizing that I had exactly one object that I could use. "Believe me, Stan, I don't want this either." I said, walking over to the bathtub. The scent of blood nearly made me vomit now that I was up close. I put the flashlight between my teeth before grabbing one side of the bath.

With my feet in the bloody water on the floor and a skeleton floating around in the room, I managed to get the bath upside-down and shove the edge under the floor. I leaned my entire weight on the other end and, sure that Bill was out, lifted up the door. The lock tore through the wall with a loud screeching noise that made me want to cover my ears. But I kept leaning until the door was off and the water was flowing into the rest of the cabin. I ran out as fast as I could and climbed the ladder up to the trapdoor, ignoring the pain in my shoulders on the way up. I pushed open the trapdoor and stepped into the twilight, free at last.

My eyes were luckily still used to the light thanks to the flashlight, which I'd brought with me just in case, and I quickly oriented myself thanks to the sun, heading towards the camp through all kinds of alternative routes. Suddenly I tripped over something in the ground and nearly fell before regaining my balance. I looked down and saw a tiny glimmer of metal. Realizing what it was, I bent down and used all my power to lift the trapdoor, hoping I'd find my friends. While I was doing that I noticed a ladder inside a nearby hollow tree, explaining how Bill managed to get in and out, and a bunch of rope, making me think that, in order to get people out, he'd tie them up and then pull them up. I eventually managed to get the trapdoor open without screaming from the pain in both my shoulders and looked down but I was unable to make out any faces from this far up with the darkness filling the cabin below.

"Hello?" I called down, realizing afterwards that Bill could be down there. I internally facepalmed. "Millie? Is that you?"
"Sadie? Are you guys all down there?"
"Yeah, but Finn isn't." Natalia called. "I know, he told me." I replied. "So can you get us out of here?" Caleb asked. I looked at the ladder. "Yeah but I just hurt my shoulders pretty badly trying to break out so it may take some time."

After about 25 minutes of me desperately trying not to scream while I lowered the ladder, it finally hit the ground. Joe kept it steady while the others started to climb up one by one. Caleb was up first, pulling me into a huge hug when he reached the surface. I noticed he hadn't opened his eyes yet,they were probably too used to the dark. Sadie followed him and I immediately grabbed her shirt and pulled her in, she kissed back right away. While Noah was climbing the ladder, the bushes to our left moved a little and the three of us turned to it. Noah reached the top just as Bill broke through. He looked me directly in the eye and, while the screams of the others started registering, pointed a gun down into the cabin. Noah, Caleb, Sadie, and I all jumped on him as gunshots started to ring out, along with the screams of the damned down below. Before we reached him, however, he set fire to the ladder and ran away.

I knelt next to the blazing hole, screaming down at my friends. But no answer ever came. The only thing making a sound, was the fire eating away at the only road down to the bodies of the others. They were gone. But we stayed until the moon had long passed center-sky and the ladder was burned up. Hoping, waiting. But life never found a way.

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