Day Eight - Blue Eyes

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Millie's P.O.V.

I woke up to blue eyes, tear-stained cheeks, red hair, and the sudden paralyzing realization that my best friend was dead. I could feel yesterday's lunch, my most recent meal, trying to make a comeback and ran for the bathroom. I slammed the door shut behind me and managed to kneel in front of the toilet less than a second before the contents of my stomach came out like Noah in the first conversation we ever had. Thinking of Noah didn't make it much better and by the time the vomiting stopped I felt drained and Sadie was rubbing my back. She handed me a mug filled with water - I guessed she got the mug from Gaten's bedside table as he never returns his - and I gratefully accepted it. I couldn't even stand because I was shaking so much so Sadie picked me up bridal-style. One of the guys had put Noah's mattress back in place and Sadie carefully laid me down on it. I fell asleep again, despite it being 10 am.

The next time I woke up was less than an hour later. Sadie was shaking me and I woke up nearly drowning in my own cold sweat. I couldn't remember what the nightmare had been about but I was pretty sure it had something to do with red leggings and blood-soaked dirt. The others were eating sandwiches and siting in a circle while Chosen talked. Sadie and I joined them and someone handed me a cheese sandwich. "Mills, you're up, you missed quite the thing." Gaten said, handing me a piece of paper. Hey you guys, it's Natalia, Charlie, Joe, and Dacre. We just wanted to let you know that we are not in on this but we're being forced to do as they say. I only just managed to slip this note into a sandwich so I'm sorry, whoever got it, but your lives may depend on it. In the cabin that you're currently in there are two beds (with others on top of them). Under the left one, there's a few planks that aren't as sturdy as the others. If you remove them, there's a tunnel. It doesn't lead anywhere, it just stops. According to Joe, who dug the tunnel back when he was a camper here, it should be somewhere in the woods, out of sight of the rest of the camp. If you dig up at the end of the tunnel, you should be able to escape. Please be safe.

in name of the helpers

I read the note again before looking up. "In case you're wondering, I got the note-bread." Sadie said and I smiled at her. "I say I got into the tunnel and clear the way out, then you guys can follow." I suggested. I needed to let some emotions out and punching a hole in the ground while crying sounded pretty good. Chosen was about to protest but Sadie silenced him with one look. Wyatt, Jaeden, Sadie, and Gaten shifted the bed and Chosen got rid of the planks covering it. I borrowed Caleb's flashlight and crawled into the dark, moist, filthy, straight-up claustrophobic, tunnel.

I must've crawled for at least ten minutes before I found the dead end. I inwardly cursed Joe but thanked him at the same time. Then I started punching. Luckily I'd remembered to put on some sunglasses to protect my eyes and tie a piece of a shirt Finn had torn the previous week in the forest around my nose and mouth. I didn't even care about the pain in my arm.

One punch, I saw Maddie laughing at me from the shore while I cursed at her from my floating air-mattress in the middle of the lake.

Punch. Maddie and I hiking with Sophia. "Girls' day out" we'd called it. It was just a cover for a prank we were playing on the guys.

Punch. Maddie wheezing from laughter after said prank went really well.

Punch. Maddie screaming while Noah got rid of a spider for her.

Punch. Maddie kissing Noah on the cheek after the spider incident and him wiping his cheek in mock disgust.

Punch. Dirt was falling. Maddie promising to be back the next year.

Punch. Maddie getting in her mother's car.

Punch. It being the last time I saw Maddie in real life.

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