Day Nine - Blue Smoke

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Millie's P.O.V.

I woke up with a start, sitting up and being smacked in the face by a pine tree. I was breathing heavily because of my nightmare and my hair was sticking up in every direction. I nearly threw up again but managed to keep it down. Sadie stirred next to me and I got up as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake her or any of the others. I pat down my hair while searching the surrounding woods for something edible. I always made sure not to let our little "camp" out of my sight, though. In the light I finally realized how stupid we'd been not to set a guard. Whoever took the others could've easily taken us while we were unconscious, they managed to take Finn and Caleb in the middle of the day without anyone seeing anything, after all. I heard a bunch of leaves crumble to my left, away from the camp, and snapped my head in that direction. I walked backwards to camp with my face towards the sound to make sure I wouldn't be followed.

I made it back to the tree, only to find Wyatt, Jaeden, Chosen, and Sadie still asleep. I hoped to god Jeremy was just out getting food and water but deep inside, I knew he wasn't. If he had gotten up he would've 1) looked for me and 2) woken up Chosen as his only way out of the "bed" was to climb over him. Upon closer examination I saw that someone had removed quite a large number of branches near where Jeremy's feet were. They were ripped off from the outside. I knew there was no point in waking the other four because Jeremy was probably with Noah and the others already, so I let them sleep, and, despite being quite the atheist, prayed for my friends.

Judging by the sun I'd say it was about 10 am by the time that everyone was awake. No one spoke about Jeremy but we all knew what had happened. Wyatt and Jaeden offered to go get some water while the three of us searched for food. I quickly kissed Sadie before we set out into the woods to go find some breakfast, which would later turn out to be our only meal of the day. About half an hour later we were all gathered by the pine again, eating what little edible plants we could find until we felt at least slightly content. Chosen went over his notebook again, reading us some parts, despite having read it over 50 times already. We continued east.

Two hours later we finally reached the clearing where the fire had been the previous day. The grass was still charred and there was a pile of wood on the side of the clearing. A single tree stump was placed next to where the fire would've been. We stuck together as we searched around but didn't find anything. That was, at least, until Wyatt tripped over something. Sadie investigated while Jaeden helped him up and after a few minutes, she pulled on something. The trapdoor opened with a loud creak, adding to the terror we were already feeling. Sadie grabbed her torch and shone down, only to let out a scream. "What is it?" Chosen asked her, pen in hand. "Well remember that theory about human-hunters?" She asked us with a shaky voice. "I think I just found their hunting equipment. And-" She looked up at us. "I also found Sophia's clothes." Wyatt basically shoved her to the side and jumped down the hole. "Wyatt!" Jaeden jumped in after him. I followed them, biting my lip so I wouldn't cry out when my arm hit the floor. Sadie followed me and Chosen finally joined us in the dark.

We lit up the dark room with our torches since Chosen had closed the trapdoor behind him and scanned through it. "It looks like a cabin!" I yelled. "You're right." Chosen confirmed. The layout of the bunker was exactly the same as one of the camp's two-person cabins. "You think this is one of the Old Cabins that Natalia told us about that one time?" I asked. "What old cabins?" Sadie asked me. "It's almost a legend to us but it happened in the nineties. The camp used to have some cabins out here, in the woods, but there was a landslide which buried them. According to the story, five kids died from starvation in these cabins. Over the years the forest obscured them completely but they're still here. Some even say they're haunted by the kids who died here." I told her, holding the torch under my chin. "Now that's some bullshit if I've ever heard some. A landslide during the summer? That usually happens during the fall." I nodded along with her argument. "This was in the time that the camp was also open during weekends, there was a festival not too far from here and the camp was cheaper than a hotel."

We turned around when we heard a scream coming from the bathroom. "Jaeden? What's wrong?" Wyatt asked while we ran towards him. "Ruh-remember those ki-kids?" He paused for a few seconds. "Wuh-well I think I-I found wuh-wuh-one." We carefully stepped into the bathroom. A skeleton was laying in the bathtub, looking like it had been there a while. There was water in the bath, filled with algae, but there was also something else. Sure, you could blame it on the algae but the water seemed just a bit too red, and the smell, the smell that drowned out every other smell, was of iron. We all realized what was in the bath almost simultaneously and sprinted out of the bathroom. Wyatt slammed the door shut behind us.

We all got out of the cabin as soon as we could. Chosen was scribbling stuff down in his notebook. "Definitely human-hunters." I whispered to him. He nodded and wrote it down. I felt my pockets for my - Finn's - painkillers but didn't feel them anywhere. I started to panic while the pain in my arm made my vision blurry until Sadie handed me the box. I kissed her cheek and took one, swallowing it without water. "So," I asked, "What now?"

Three hours after our discovery of the cabin, we were still at the fireplace. Chosen was stood up, telling us some more theories. "So, do you guys remember the time when Natalia told us about the old cabins and showed us a map of the old camp?" We - bar Sadie - all nodded. "Well I think that maybe the others are being held in one."
"So we need that map back." I finished. "But the map's at the camp, and there is no way that we're getting in without being noticed. I mean, look at us." Sadie said, motioning around the group. We were all bruised and injured. Wyatt had developed a limp, I had a gunshot wound, there was blood in Sadie's hair - probably my blood - and Jaeden and Chosen both had a head wound. On top of that our clothes were torn and dirty, our hair was greasier than a moose, and we all looked like we'd been to hell and back. And honestly, we had.

We spent the rest of the day gathering food and thinking up a plan to get the map. Eventually we all agreed to get Lexi and Henry to help. After all, their cabin was at the edge of the camp, meaning we could get to their back window without being seen. We, once again, slept under a fallen tree, trying to keep the demons of the night from stealing another one of us.

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