Day Ten - Blue Jellybeans

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Millie's P.O.V.

I woke up earlier this time, thanks to Chosen waking all of us up around 8 am. We ate what little food we had left before setting off to camp. I silently prayed to god that we wouldn't be caught and that the rest of my friends were safe. Just thinking of Gaten, sweet, kind, Gaten, trapped in one of those cabins made me wanna cry again. Sadie was walking next to me, and arm wrapped around me, protecting my bad arm, and talking to me. We weren't talking about anything interesting, just normal stuff, things teenagers should talk about instead of about human-hunters and corpses and psychopaths. We reached the camp around 1 pm after five hours of constant walking.

Sadie and I approached the cabin carefully while the others stayed hidden in the woods. We seemed to be the only people that Lexi tolerated so it was best that we did this. Sadie softly tapped the glass and Lexi opened the window. "Good afternoon." She casually said, taking place on the windowsill. "How may I help you today?" She asked us, grabbing a blue jellybean from the seemingly infinite supply they had. "Is that Sadie and Millie?" I heard Henry ask from the bathroom. She replied something that I couldn't understand and then turned back to us. "So, what do you guys need?"
"We need you to ask Natalia something." I said, gripping the edge of the window with my good hand. "Which one's Natalia?"
"Short, brown hair, really sweet, female." Sadie supplied, stepping forward so she stood next to me. "Okay, what do you want me to ask?"
"Ask her for the map of the old camp. If you tell her it's for us, she'll give it to you." Sadie said. "Will do, lemme go find her." Lexi disappeared from the window and we could hear the door shut a few seconds later.

About three minutes later she was back, map in hand, and sat down on the windowsill again. She handed Sadie the map and right as we were about to say thank you we heard a yell from the woods behind us. We quickly ran away and towards where we'd left our friends. The only thing there was Jaeden's water bottle and Chosen's notebook. I fell against a tree and slid to the floor, crying. Sadie sat down next to me, her arms around me and her head buried in my shoulder. It hurt, I didn't care.

Around three pm the two of us were sat in the clearing, reading Chosen's notebook once again and trying to see if maybe Jaeden's water bottle could help us find them. I'm sure that, had we had a state-of-the-art forensics lab, we definitely could've, but, of course, we didn't. The only thing useful was Chosen's notebook. "I mean, the people that took them must've left it for a reason, right?" I asked Sadie. She nodded and suddenly her eyes lit up. "Here, all of the writing makes sense somehow but this doesn't. The entire notebook is in some sort of code but this is just normal English." She said, pointing to a sentence that was scribbled down in the middle by someone who was in a hurry. "Follow the flowing stream" "That's not Chosen's handwriting." I observed. "Look at the way there's a curl in the g and the f." I pointed out. "You're right. But then whose is it?" She looked me in the eye and I dug deep in my memory. "It's Noah's. I remember that he saw Natalia write an f like that once and he just decided to do that too, but it didn't fit the rest of his handwriting well so he changed his f, g and y."

"The real question is, what doesn it mean?" She asked me, staring at the other side of the clearing I had so many fond memories in. I imagined how this would be valuable information in any way in any situation and suddenly I realized something. "It's one of the primary rules for when you get lost." I muttered, touching Sadie's hand to get her attention. "He's trying to get us somewhere safe."
"But what water do we have to follow?"
"The bottle!"
"The water bottle, Jaeden's water bottle. It pointed to where we needed to go."
She grabbed my face and kissed me quickly before basically jumping up and running towards where the others diappeared.

"It was positioned like this, right?" I asked her, putting the bottle down the way I thought it has been. Sadie shook her head and turned it just a little bit. "Like that." She said and I nodded. "So that means that we're heading..." I looked at the sun to determine our directions. Because who needs a compass. "West." I finished my sentence and we set off into the woods.

We walked for hours, gathering food and water along the way, trying to get to where Noah wanted us to go. We didn't know wether he was leading us to safety or to where they were being held captive, nor did we know which one we were hoping for. Our group of twelve had turned into two. It was up to us to save our friends.

Around 8 pm we finally stopped for some food, water, and shelter against the summer night, so filled with demons that even the Winchesters, who hunt monsters, would be terrified. We found refuge in a hollowed-out area in a tree's roots. And there the two of us slept, huddled together because we were so afraid to be taken.

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