Day Eleven - Blue Skies

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Millie's POV

Waking up to the cold is never fun. Waking up and realizing your only warmth up and left during the night is worse. Waking up and realizing that you're in a different spot than you fell asleep in, is straight-up horrifying. I shot up the second I realized I was laying on wood, not dirt, and slowly opened my eyes, afraid of seeing something horrible. The fear of the unknown eventually won out and I opened my eyes fully. It was pitch-black all around me. At first it seemed silent but, as I listened closer, I could hear breathing, living, breathing human being sleeping in this same room. I prayed they were my friends and not the killer and his friends.

I sat in silence for a minute before turning around and feeling my way to a wall, a bed, a person, anything. Anything that, like the breathing, told me this was just a dark room full of people, and not my soul being trapped in nothing for the rest of time. That this was life, not death. But considering the fact that my life would be hell if this were real, I wasn't sure wether I wanted to actually find something or not.

Time passed, I guess, before I heard a groan from my left. I had given up trying to find something once my arm started hurting and was still sitting on the floor, wall-less. I snapped my head toward the sound. They started talking, in what I presumed to be their sleep, saying names, ones I recognized. "Finn, Caleb, Jack, Sophia, Noah, Jeremy, Wyatt, Chosen, Jaeden, girls." I could only barely make out the words but I still understood it. I closed my eyes again, not sure why I did that, and thought about the order in which we got kidnapped. That was what they were mumbling. The only problem was that there was supposed to be a name between Noah and Jeremy. "Gaten?" I whispered, or, at least tried to, the word would not get past my cracked lips or dry throat. I stayed silent.

Time went on, and this time its passage was indicated by a scream on my right. "Sophia!" I could make out the name this time, I'm sure everyone within 50 miles could, and also who yelled it. I'd heard that voice crack before. "Wyatt?" This time I did make a noise. "Millie?" He whispered back. "Guys, Millie's here!" He yelled again. All around me people started moving. Bodies shifting around on the wooden floor filled every corner of the room. Wyatt grabbed my good arm and hoisted me up so we were stood up in the still dark room. Then I felt a hand touch my face. "Millie? You're okay? Thank god!" Sadie nearly threw me down with the kiss she gave me. I kissed back, forgetting for a moment that we were in mortal danger. "Be careful with her, she's been shot." There was still some humor left behind the tone of his voice and I walked towards the sound of Finn't voice. "Finnley." I muttered as soon as I'd found him. He hugged me briefly but I noticed that his left arm wasn't as powerful as his right one. "What happened to your arm?" I asked. "Got shot." I could feel his smile. I blindly slapped him on his good arm and nearly lost my balance. Luckily Sadie was holding me up.

I greeted the entire room, leaning on Sadie the whole time. There were still three people missing. "Where's Sophia and Jaeden?" I asked, already dreading the answer. Next to me Wyatt burst into tears. His two best friends, gone, possibly- "They were taken by him." Noah said. His fingertips briefly touched my shoulder and I guessed he wrapped it around Wyatt.

"Who left behind the directions, by the way?" We were talking about everything that had happened when Sadie asked. "Millie thought it was Noah but we can never be sure."
"Yeah, that was me. If you'd gone in that direction for long enough, you'd've found a hole in the fence between the camp and the town. You'd be safe there.

Time passed in the dark and the silence that fell after we were done talking. It just passed very slowly.

The funny thing about not having a clock or any other way to tell time, is that you don't get hungry the same way. Your body isn't sure wether it's nights or day, 3 am or 3 pm, so it doesn't know when to eat. On top of that, we were all sitting still, barely burning anything, waiting for salvations which might never arrive. Some time passed. Maybe seconds, maybe hours, maybe days, we wouldn't know. Sadie stood up at one point, blindly navigating the cabin until she'd found the front door. It opened, but that was it. A dirt wall stood between us and freedom. Caleb told her it was no use when she started digging, but she kept going. After a while, Wyatt got up to help her, Gaten followed him. The three of them dug and dug until their hands were bleeding and hope was lost. Then, at that exact moment, something tapped the roof.

Wyatt and Gaten shot back to their places, dragging Sadie with them, and put ropes around their waists. They finished the second Death opened the door and the blinding light of hell rained down on us. Or maybe it was just a psycho with a flashlight, who knows. He dropped something into the cabin, but I couldn't see it, the light had blinded me. All I could sense was a hissing sound and people coughing. I guessed I was coughing too. Then the world went dark again.

I dreamt of freedom in this chemical-induced sleep. I dreamt of blue eyes under blue skies, red hair in the sunset. I dreamt of happiness and hope in a time devoid of both.

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