Weekly Interlude - Purple Bruises

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Finn's P.O.V.

Day Five

11.37 am

I woke up on a cold floor, surrounded by nothing but darkness and the sound of someone else's unsteady breathing. I guessed and hoped it was either Caleb or Maddie and leaned over in the direction of the sound. "Hey!" I whisper-yelled, hoping I hadn't just accidentally woken up some horrifying beast. The breathing hitched and then picked up speed as the person woke up. "Hey!" I whispered again, waiting for a response. "Finn? Is that you?" I sighed in relief. "Yeah, Caleb. Do you remember what happened?"
"No, all I remember is that we went to question the helpers. Not sure what happened after we left the cabin."
"Yeah same here." I sighed. "Is there anyone else here?" I asked.
"I don't think so, we would've heard them." Caleb said, this time using his real voice. "Where are you, man?" He asked. I scooted closer to the sound, unsure of my own legs, until a rope tied around my waist stopped me. "Are you also tied down by your waist?" I asked him. There was a moment of silence. "Oh, right, nodding doesn't help. Yes, I am." I let out a laugh despite the situation being anything but funny.

"Where do you think we are?" Caleb asked. "Well I don't know, can't exactly see a lot, can I?"
"Tone down the sarcasm, Wolfhard. Let's find us some walls." I got up slowly, testing out my legs. I followed the rope back to the wall. "Feels like wood." I said. Caleb agreed with me and we investigated every wall as far as we could get. "Okay, get to the wall most to the left of you, see if we can reach each other." He instructed me and I did as I was told. I stood there for a good thirty seconds until warm hands touched my cold ones. "Oh, there you are." I said, sighing in relief. "Uhm, Finn?"
"I'm not touching you."
I shrieked and jumped back. Suddenly a bright light shone into my eyes and I had to shut them against the pain. Once my eyes were used to the light I scanned the person before me. They were about my height and wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie. Their face was obscured by a clown's mask and the rest of their skin was hidden by high collars and gloves. "Mornin'" a male voice spoke.

Day Five

3.15 pm

I stood outside the Tardis-blue door with a gun in my hand and a stone for a heart. I slowly opened the door only to be engulfed in a bear hug by Jack. I inwardly cringed at what I had to do. "Jack, you can't tell the others I'm here, okay. Don't text them or call them or anything." I whispered in his ear while still hugginghim. "Wait why not? Finn? What's going on?" I almost cried at the confused happiness on his face. "I need you to come with me." I said. "Okay, where to?"
"You'll see, just follow me. Oh and can I see your phone for a second? I lost mine." Not a complete lie but he still only gave me his phone after a slight hesitation. "Finn, I gotta tell you something. I lo-" I cut him off. He was about to hate me, loving me would only get him more hurt. It was bad enough that I loved him. "Now's not the time, Jack." My words were harsh but my soul was soft. I inwardly wept when the world went black again.

Day Six

4.23 am

This time it was Caleb that had been sent out to get someone. Sophia. Jack had luckily woken up in the underground cabin like I had and Caleb and I quickly explained everything to him. Then He came in again. My eyes shut at the light of his flashlight so I didn't see him take Caleb. Less than thirty minutes later Caleb and Sophia were dropped off by Him and that was that. Then there were four in our little community of the missing. But our community of the missing also had someone missing. No one talked about it but we all knew it. Maddie.

Day Six

8.27 am

"Where the fuck-?"
"Oh, Sophia, you're up." I calmly said. "Finn? Is that you? Oh my god." I could hear her trying to get up but she stumbled over someone. "Watch where you're walking, there's people tryna sleep here." Jack muttered in a morning voice. I reached out and played with his hair which calmed him down and he was asleep again in no time. "Where are we? What's happening? The last thing I remember is getting a call from Caleb." I softly shushed her so she wouldn't wake the others up. "That wasn't Caleb, that was the sick fuck that put us here." I informed her. "Anyways, were you guys any closer to finding us?" I asked. "I mean we have visual inside the box. They've probably hacked my phone by now." I nodded. "That's good, we can work with that."

Day Six

11.02 am

I sighed deeply, pulling the mask away from my face before opening the door to cabin number nine. I didn't want to do this, I knew Noah had a crush on me but if I didn't do it, He would kill Jack. I let out a sigh before walking in. It went the same as with Jack, actually, we hugged, I told him to come with me, he was confused but did so anyways, I asked to see his phone, once again he was confused but gave it to me, and then He knocked him out when we were in the woods. He walked back to the cabin while I went to cabin number five to bury Noah's phone. I dug up and opened the box and immediately spotted Sophia's camera. I was not allowed to take off my mask but I hoped to god that Millie could see it was me thanks to my eyes. She'd seen them enough during the summer we were dating. I shot them a silent apology and tossed Noah's phone in with the others. Then the world went black again.

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