Day Thirteen - Blue Ink

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Millie's POV

I woke up in the cabin this time, surrounded by darkness and the smell of Sadie's hair. "Sadie?" I mumbled, trying to sit up. "Shh, babe, don't sit up, you've lost a lot of blood." I frowned and looked to where I thought her face was. "Blood? How did I lose blood?"
"We don't know but it looks like you cut your thigh on something. Didn't sever the femoral artery. Thank god."
"So why am I back again? Are the others here? Did someone else go missing?"
"Yeah, we're here." Jack spoke up from across the room. "But Chosen isn't." He finished. I nodded, even knowing they couldn't see me. "So what have you guys been up to?" I asked, trying to keep a conversation going so the silence wouldn't drive me crazy. "Mainly worrying about you and Chosen. What else can you do in here." Caleb said. "Hide and seek?" Noah proposed, which got a laugh out of all of us.

After a while the hatch at the top opened again, but no light was let in. We just heard a scream and a body hitting the floor, followed by three more. All of us instinctively crawled towards the sound, but kept a safe distance. "Hello?" One of the bodies spoke up. "Joe?!"
"Wait what?" That was Noah. "Why did he take you guys, too?" He asked. "I don't know, maybe he found out we helped you." Natalia was now also slowly waking up, followed by Charlie and Dacre.

"So just to recap, you guys have been held here, being hunted by a psycho, for the past few days?"
"I don't even know how long it's been. I don't think my eyes work anymore, either. I barely see the light of the flashlight anymore." Caleb said. "Eight days. You and Finn have been gone for eight days." Dacre told him. "Is there any system in how he's picking you off?" Charlie asked us. "So far it's Sophia, Jaeden, Gaten, Millie, Chosen." Noah supplied. "So random, basically." Natalia concluded. I nodded. "Yeah."

Time passed again and the trapdoor opened. I hoped to god it wasn't another person. I was starving. A small object hit the floor before the trapdoor closed again. I crawled towards it, followed by the others, and grabbed it. It was a small plastic bag, filled with candy. "Jellybeans." I whispered, turning towards the others. "They're jellybeans."
"Lexi and Henry." Finn said. "Wait as in Alexis Linetti and Henry McBersley?" Natalia asked. "Yes, they helped us a lot. Oh god I hope they aren't next." Sadie said while touching the bag. "Wait, guys, there's a note."
"Sadie, we don't have any light."
"I know, Noah, just thought I'd tell you guys."
"Actually," Natalia started, getting something out of her pocket, "that's not entirely true." She finished, flicking her lighter.

"Next time someone pulls a stunt like Millie's, Henry and Alexis pay." Was written on a piece of paper in blue ink.

The dark came in again, more ruthless than ever, before the hatch opened for the third time in a day. A smoke bomb was thrown down, knocking us all out. I no longer cared and took deep breaths, hoping this sleep would make me fell better.

I woke up outside, in the same spot I had been in before. My eyes didn't burn as much this time, thanks to Natalia's light. I slowly stood up, gradually putting weight on my right leg, where I'd cut open my thigh last time. I looked around me and noticed the path I'd taken before and the path Chosen, Sophia, Jaeden, and Gaten had taken. I walked down the latter.

I didn't bother running this time, I knew there was no point and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me try. I calmly walked through the forest, inhaling deeply the scent of fresh air. That was another thing the cabin didn't have a lot of. "So, are you gonna get me or what? I'm not gonna run, if that's what you're waiting for. I'm just going to the camp, maybe take a shower, change of clothes, you know how it goes." I didn't expect an answer, and I didn't get one. "Hey, since I'm gonna end up in that cabin again or dead anyways, why don't you tell me where the bodies are buried." Silence. "Jeez, not much of a chatterbox, are you? It's okay, you can talk, I already know your identity, Bill, or, if you prefer it, Pennywise. I don't know how this whole full-method thing works. Like do you go by the character's name or your own? Or did you create a new name, like a ship name or something. Just curious." I looked at a squirrel climbing a tree for a while before walking on. "I'm starting to think that maybe you don't wanna talk. That's okay, just listen to me." Still nothing, I was close to the camp. Maybe if I could keep him distracted for a little longer, I could make it to Shawn's. "I'm gonna tell you a story, one that's probably really familiar yet you've never heard it before. It's a love story." I took a deep breath.

"Once upon a time there was a girl. Brown hair, brown eyes, British accent, kinda gay. And she always went to summer camp and shared a cabin with her best friend, until, one year, her friend didn't show up and she had to share a cabin with a new girl. The first time they met, they immediately fell in love. They just looked at each other with so much adoration in their eyes that it made other people sick. And they spent the whole summer together, swimming in the lake, singing in their cabin, cuddled up under a blanket, despite the warm weather, watching a movie. And all summer long they were happy. And then summer ended and the girls went back to their own homes, in their own towns, in their own states. And they never saw each other again. But every now and then, in the dead of night, they'll remember that one summer. Their summer under the stars. The best summer of their lives. Only none of this happened, because they died that summer. Alone."

I had reached the edge of the camp and was about to start running when someone grabbed my neck and pushed a cloth in my face. This time I struggled, fighting for that summer.

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