A Misadventure at the Creek

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Lizzie felt joyful, as the horses moved forward, getting closer and closer to the sound. She felt so lucky to be here, and to have her two best friends with her. It was much better having them here, she reasoned, yet wouldn't it be nice sometimes to sneak in alone and have the bubbling water all to herself? To just sit quietly, perhaps turn over a stone, or dip a stick into the running water and watch the patterns it made for hours? She would be so peaceful and happy! She would take her shoes off, and squat with her toes in the water, and her dress pulled up over her knees. There would be nobody there to know how unladylike she had been... And there would be no inevitable quarrels between the boys. 

Here, they could fight it out, without any adult to come between them and punish Michael. Monsieur Lapoint would not be there to snatch his son away, and look down on Michael with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed, telling him quite firmly that he was not to touch his son under any circumstances. Lizzie remembered that first meeting, with Derrick frightened of the boy who was even blacker than Calpurnia, and who didn't understand his words.

Derrick pointed out a bird flying past, as they neared the banks of the creek. Lizzie's horse was impatient to drink and she allowed her to come up beside Derrick's horse, who was already whiffling into the cool, running water. The pony was so excited, he dunked his whole lips and nose into the water, then brought his head back. He managed to toss some spray into the air and onto his back, hitting his rider, who squirmed away from it.

Silver and Albemarle had their fill, while Lizzie, Derrick and Michael sat on their backs, enjoying the sound of the water, and the cool air that surrounded the creek. Lizzie loved the moss growing on the trunks of the trees and on the sides of stones along the creek banks. She loved the feel of the soft, green cushions under her feet.

The creek was wide here, and there was just enough room for Michael to swim. Lizzie could feel him growing impatient behind her. He was eager to get into the water, even though he had been snatched from his homeland and transported here via the big water of the ocean. He couldn't help but love water on his skin. Anytime he could be in it, he would.

The horses had finally finished drinking, and Lizzie turned Silver towards a large tree. Michael dismounted quickly, and tied the reins around the massive trunk, securing the ends. He adjusted the bridle and let the reins out a bit longer so the horse could stand up fully without being pulled down by the reins.

Derrick selected a tree a little bit further down, to tie his horse. He knew better by now than to ask Michael to do it. The three of them had gotten into quite an argument the first time he had brought them here. Derrick had finally concluded he could do the task just as well himself.

Michael had already stripped off his jacket and shirt. They lay neatly folded on a boulder a little ways away from the swimming hole. He was already in the water, diving down and bringing stones up from the bottom of the creek, to observe in the sun. Lizzie had taken off her shoes and socks and stood on the bank, watching him longingly.

He had offered to teach her to swim, but to do that, she would have to strip off her dress in front of both boys, and just swim in her pantaloons and camisole, and she knew that wasn't proper. Patsy had made certain that she knew not to take off her dress anywhere but in her room at home. She had gone so far as to say that even if the dress caught fire, Lizzie was not to remove it before making sure there were no men in the room. Death was better than dishonor for a Southern lady, and that was what Lizzie must be at all costs, in all circumstances.

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