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The past

"Lenny, Lenny?"

My eyes slowly faded in as I looked around.

"You dead there? You got the answer to this question?" I quickly looked down at my lap and saw I was sitting on an old navy couch with a paper on top of a book on my lap. The familiar guy looked at me and stood up. He sat next to me as he peered at my paper. "For number 6?"

I slowly looked down at my paper and saw that it was completely filled out. I went to number six, a multiple choice question. "Uh yea, B."

"Thanks", he smiled at me and scribbled in the bubble. I watched him do to this and as it was almost filled I looked up at the name on the paper. Fritz.

Thinking about that name made time slow down. It seemed... familiar.

I looked at his appearance. He had brown hair that had blonde roots and a white shirt with grey sweatpants on.

He stood up and grabbed my arm. Things seemed to move faster.

"Come on I told you i'd show you my puppy." I stood up and followed where he lead me, which was upstairs. The hallway was thin with a small cage that had a blanket over it next to one of the doors. When we approached it little barks came from the cage. He opened it and held the little puppy in his arms. "Awe." I said unknowingly and stuck my hand out and pet it, it moved in his arms.

"Let's go in my room and i'll put him on the bed." We both walked into a little room. He closed the door after him and sat on the bed, setting the dog on it. My body seemed to move by itself as I walked and sat criss crossed on the bed, the dog jumped on me. "Awe he likes you." The guy said in a cute tone. He looked at me calmly "I don't blame him."

Soon enough the guy leaned in for a kiss. Slowly the kiss became deeper as we both leaned back. I felt him slowly move onto me when he broke off and took a breath. He leaned in for another kiss. I held out my hands against his chest. "Uh if you don't mind me asking but who are you?"

The guys small smiled slowly faded into a sad kind of look. "Who am I?

Who am I?" His voice became distorted as blackness surrounded us and he slowly faded away.

When the lights started to come back in I was now standing in an empty room. "Who am I Lenny? Am I really not important?" I heard him echo through a the room. Soon small aching noises came from the walls.

A black figure slowly faded in on the ground in the fetal position. "Lenny, Lenny Help."

I felt control over my body as I walked toward the guy. He had a pool of blood slowly growing underneath him. I stepped back as the blood almost touched my shoes. "Help me please." The figure turned and looked right at me. His eyes were a blue that shone brighter than anything in the room. It was as if there was a light in his eye. But his face.. His face had patches of blood and scabs all over it. He looked at me with despair as he clutched his stomach. My heart started quickening in pace for no apparent reason. I didn't feel anything, just watched him.

I leaned down and put my hand on him. "It's going to be alright." I took a step into the pool of blood. Looking at him his expression changed and his eyes widened. They were no longer a blue but a crimson red. I noticed a hue of color and looked down seeing that the blood was now glowing bright. "Ahhhhh." The man screamed almost emotionless. The noise hurt my ears and wouldn't stop. He began to sit up and when he did he threw what looked like a nametag. I, being startled ran toward it and looked at it. Fritz it said. When I slowly started to recognize the name he stopped screaming and laid back down helpless. "Help, help." He softly moaned. I became running toward him at full speed. It seemed like light years until I could approach him. I then took my last leap toward him when I went to a halt and shielded my eyes as the light blinded me.

"Aye Lenny." I heard as I searched and saw the Fritz guy staring at me waving. His voice became low and distorted. "Ya wanna hang out today?" My legs went into a sprint as I started running but was held back. The walls and tables zoomed far away. "No not today." I heard in a demonic voice. Arms were around me and when I looked over my shoulder and saw Charlie holding me with crimson eyes.


I woke up startled on the mattress. My heart raced when I rubbed my eyes. I saw Dei sitting on the edge. He noticed my eyes open and spoke softly "Oh I was about to head downstairs since Rose said she made breakfast." My body moved up as I tried to control my heartbeat.

I couldn't breath.

I faked it.

"I'll just meet you down there cause you just woke up." He looked at me then Dei walked out of the room and closed the door. I clutched my stomach when I slowly took deep breaths in and out. The memoires I blocked out came back.

10 minutes later.

When I finally regained control of my heart rate I walked downstairs to see everyone.

Dei and Charlie sat on the couch playing a game while Rose sat at the small table eating a piece of bacon. She stared at her phone.

"This is the trigger and this is..." I walked past Dei and Charlie and went to Rose.

"Hey you're up, you want some?"

Everything felt surreal for a moment.

Rose slide her chair back and grabbed a already made plate and handed it to me.

I sat at the table. "I wanted to know if you wanted.." her voice faded out when my thoughts came in.

"Today, you want to?" I looked up not really knowing what she said. "Uh sorry what?" she repeated her statement on going to some place today and I agreed. "Hey Rose can Dei stay here today?" Rose looked at Charlie then I. "Yeah." I said not thinking. Something about myself felt different..

I had no thoughts in my head when Rose and I put on our shoes and jackets and went out the front door. 

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