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Next day.

After yesterday i've kind of been in a loop. And by loop I mean over- thinking to the point where my head hurts.


This guy's a problem.

By this time it was 10:45 am and not much was planned to do. I've already woke up, brushed my teeth and gotten dressed.

Now, at the moment i'm debating whether or not I should leave the house. I've been afraid. What if he comes back?

Last night while laying in bed I decided to drive my car to school now on to avoid seeing him.

But that would mean I'd have to walk down to the gas station with a canister and back since my car was empty.

What if he listened and went back to where he came from. Yeah what it's name probably did, I told myself. Hold up, what was his name? Lenny?

Lenny.., Lenny.

So that's what you call a psychopath? Seems too... normal.

I cracked a smile as I was sitting down on the couch.

I mean he wouldn't have a reason to come back. I've told him all I know.

My brain clicked.

He's not coming back. I smiled at the thought.

If he was, he'd already be here, right?

I quickly grabbed my key and headed to the garage, grabbed a gas can and locked up the house.

As quickly as possible I went straight up my street to where there was a gas station and pulled out my gas card and quickly filled up the canister. Then shortly after I also stopped in the gas station and bought a slushie with two small boxes of Sour Patch Kids and Jujyfruits.

I headed back down the street and siped on my slushie. I took my time this time since the trip was already 25 minutes long and I figured if he's not here now, he wont be here again.

In 10 minutes I arrived home, lost in thought. I just kept thinking about calling off of school tomorrow since today was Sunday.

Then so Lez wouldn't get mad at me I'd drive to the meeting and tell them that early in the morning I didn't feel too good.

The thought of me sleeping in again made me at ease.

I opened the garage to show my black Toyota Corolla.

Since mom has been gone i've kept my car only by itself in the garage.

I walked to it, brushing my fingers against as I admired how much dust has accumulated on it.

It's been probably around 6 months since I've last used this.

When I first got my license I took my cousins to school almost everyday. That was really the only reason, since my Aunt and Uncle were on a business trip and the Baby sitter would leave a little before they went to school I'd go and pick them up and drop them off. During sophomore year i'd have go to go school 30 minutes late. I still remember how mad that teachers would be. Then how happy they became when it all stopped 6 months ago. Only for the reason that they were moving to florida because my aunt and uncle don't know how to take care of their kids unless they're near their works.

I was already pouring gas into the tank's funnel when I dropped the lose cap that broke off the canister. Kneeling down I picked it up then continued pouring gas.

"Whatcha' doin'?"

I jumped, pouring a little gas on my hand. Then turned around.

"What are you doing here?"

He smirked at me

This time he wore a purplish blue Nike sweatshirt with black pants and black shoes with white laces.

"I thought i'd stop by."

I continued to pour the gas until it was about empty when I replied, "Well you did, now go."

I grabbed the can and put it outside since later when he left I was going to spray it out with a hose so it won't stink up the garage.

"Plus I left something in your room." I walked back in the garage when he said this.

"What now?" I rolled my eyes.

"My watch, must of dropped it."

He looked at me with a neutral face when I sighed.

"Fine." I grabbed my drink and my boxes of candy that sat on the floor and walked to the two steps up in the garage that lead to the kitchen. Then pressed the button to close the garage door.

"Come in." I opened the side door and walked to the kitchen stool.

He closed the door behind him when I put my drink and candies on the counter and headed toward the stairs.

"Looks the same." He said almost mocking. I heard him follow me as I stepped up the stairs and opened the door to my room. He seemed to close when I turned and saw him right on my back.

Waving my right hand out, "Go ahead and find it."

He walked in and toward the desk top table and got on his knees and searched underneath it.

Watching him from the doorframe I turned my focus to the little novelties on the nightstand that was right of the doorframe and walked in front of it.

The atmosphere felt awkward as I didn't know what to say to him. I stared at the mini Murdoc figure that sat upright. I forgot I bought this years ago. Back when I was in my Gorillaz phase, I thought as I smiled and started to turn around.

I was stopped from doing so as I felt hands go around and waist and my mouth.

Then slowly I drifted into a night's sleep.

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