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A week later.

"Which dinosaur knew the most words?"


"The thesaurus."

She stopped walking and looked at me and made a cheeky smile. All while making a long laughing noise that sounded like she was blowing her nose.

I started cracking up over the fact that she could hold her breath that long.

"That was a bad one, I stated."

"Tell Mr. Roz that, he thought that was the greatest joke known to man."

"Sounds like a dad joke." I Paused. "No a teacher joke seems right."

She scruffed as she opened her locker and placed her literature book at the top of the shelf.

"I'm just glad that this day is over, we can get some ice cream on the last day that Scoops is open." 

"Great thing today is exceptionally cold."

She smiled with her backpack on her shoulder.


I nodded.

"Oh yeah do you have your wallet?, I didn't have enough money this week but I promise that I'll pay you back."

I patted my left back pocket and felt my wallet. "Don't worry about it."

The hall way was extremely packed today since exchange students from other schools were here for competitions. We were literally in a back in forth movement of people trying to get in and out. It was a mess. Having stood in the same area I didn't notice when I saw Liz was standing a few feet infront of me when the hall had cleared up a bit.

I was leaned against some random lockers.
I stood up straight and took a step.



Someone banged into my left shoulder,  hard.

I turned around to see who it was but all there was there was a sardine pack of people waiting just like me behind.

"Man, it really is crowded", I thought as I slightly pushed my way to Liz.

"There ya' are, we're  about to get out." She said as she finally got out of the double doors.

Icy wind blew in my face when we quietly started walking across the courtyard.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." She looked at me. "They're holding a council meeting about the mural design and they wanted you to go."  She situated her backpack facing backwards on her and unzipped it. "Why would I want to go to something like that?" I reminded her. "Well they thought you might have something beautiful in mind." "Beautiful my ass." She opened her mouth in a mocking way and waved her finger at me. "You watch your tone at me mister." "Or what." She pulled out her phone and a paper. "Or you're grounded."
"Grounded my ass", I replied in the same tone as in before. Rolling her eyes she handed me a paper. "I wrote down the date and time on here while I was in Science, you would just meet us in the counselor's office." I eyed the paper.

Her handwriting appeared small and fun when I saw that every of her i's  didn't have a dot above but a circle.

Her Note read:

Monday, November 27th.                                                         

Mural discussion, Meet in counselor's room at 3:30pm.

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