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*I do NOT under any will condone underage drinking.*

*Authors note: Dei isn't pronounced as Die but as Day.*

"Ah Lenny you're here!" A woman with silver colored hair stood up and hugged Lenny when we approached the table. "It's been awhile." I looked over to the other two sitting across from her.

The woman scooted around the wrap around bar booth and waved toward herself "Come, sit. I have a lot to ask you."

"So what have you been doing?"

"Nothing much I've just been working mostly" Lenny said casually. "Have you been applying for any colleges?" The girl said. He shook his head. "I don't know what I'd do."

"Well there's lots for you." A waiter passes by, "Excuse me" She raised her hand. "Can we get five fireballs?"

The waiter wrote it down quickly "Alright, i'll be back."

"Anyway there's plenty of things to do to get you career started."

She changed the subject when she saw me.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. She held out her hand. I'm Rose and who might you be?"

I thought for a moment about what to say but decided quickly since they already knew Lenny's name. "Dei."

"Ah Dei, that's an interesting name. She smiled. I liked it." It was awkward.

There was a long pause when she continued. "I've heard that you work with Lenny. How's that going for you?"

I looked a Lenny and he gave a smile I felt hatred through.

"Pretty well." I replied. Another lie.

She smiled again. "That's great." 

Does she know about him?

Something about her seemed easy and outgoing. She felt easy to talk to instead of pushy like how some people do unknowingly.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

I looked at Lenny, then her "Seventeen."

"Oh, you're young, hey Lenny didn't you turn nineteen this year?"


"You both are so young!"

"ah you're like my little brother. " She put her arm around him.

"Two years isn't that much."

"You're right."

The waiter came back with a tray of shots.

"Here you go, enjoy." He set them down.

The two people grabbed their shots and Rose picked up hers. She looked at me. "I hope you like fireball." Lenny grabbed his and and looked down at me. I grabbed mine and the four others scoffed them down.

I tilted my head back and took mine. It burned like hell.

"I hope you remember your promise." Rose said hastily and put the glass on the table.

"What promise?"

"Last time you said I could do your makeover."

"I was drunk."

"And I was sober, so it counts. Comeon you used to let me practice on you in High School."

"Fine, but under one condition." She tilted her head. "You have to do both I and this guy." He tilted his head toward me.

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