{Chapter 21}

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i wish this song was included in the soundtrack

but ehhh *shrug*

animatic by hamilton trash

~Alex POV~

I bit the inside of my cheek and gripped the edges of the table. Thomas had just walked into the classroom. Lately, I had to do things like this to prevent myself from doing something stupid.

I dug my fingernails into my palms and tried to tear my gaze from his face.

Ever since I had gotten color madness, our heated debates stopped. Neither of us could focus completely on what we were saying without  becoming distracted by being so close to each other. We couldve stretched and arm out and brought colors into our vision but neither of us did. No one knew that we were soulmates except for our group of friends.

I sighed and put my head down. This class was always the longest because it had Jefferson in it.

~time skip to a free period or something~

I sighed as I walked into the library. I had tried to work on my essay but I had gotten a massive headache. I decided going here was a good idea because I could always concentrate here.

As I walked to my usual spot on the corner, I noticed two people talking and sitting a few tables over.

James and Thomas.

Oh no. Just the person I wanted to see. As I turned my head to look at them, I saw Madison forcefully push Thomas.

I felt something snap inside of me.

"HEY DONT TOUCH HIM! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I shouted. Luckily, it was only us three in the library. I winced a little. Shouting had made the pounding in my head stronger.

The pair stopped their conversation and looked at me with confusion. I stomped over to them as James got up from his seat.

He put his hands on my shoulders and quietly said, "Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Dont touch him you a**hole!" I snapped back in a whisper. I slapped his hands away. I wasnt sure why I was acting like this. I didnt even like Thomas. Right?

"What are you talking about?" I looked into James' calm eyes. I glanced over his shoulder to look at Thomas. He had a shocked look on his face and was staring at the two of us in confusion.

I tried to answer but the splitting headache from earlier wouldnt let me. I took deep breaths but the pain kept getting worse.

I collapsed on the ground and held my head in my hands. At this point, my skull was about to spilt open. I heard voices but it all seemed muffled. I felt myself being picked up before I passed out.

~Thomas POV~

I sighed as I sat down with Jemmy in the library. No one ever came to the library so it was the perfect place to concentrate. Or try to concentrate at least.

I was with Jemmy today so that he could try and catch me up on everything that I had missed the past few days. The color madness prevented me from conceteating at all.

We decided to talk for a few minutes before we would start working.

We told some jokes and teased each other a little. James playfully shoved me after I said that him and John were the cutest couple on campus.


James and I stopped laughing and turned our heads to see who had said that.

of course, it was Alex.

He angrily stomped over to us. James got up and tried to calm him down. I was stuck to my seat. I couldnt move.

What was going on? Why did he lash out like that? James wouldnt hurt a fly.

Suddenly, Alex fell to the floor, clutching his head as if it was about to explode.

James dropped down to him and started to call his name. I got up and put my arms around him. Color flooded my vision but I ignored it for once. I felt his forehead. He was burning up. I decided to pick him up, bridal style, and told Jemmy that we should go to my dorm. He nodded and started to collect both of our stuff.



The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now