{Chapter 4} The chapter with the storm

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~Alex's P.O.V~

I closed the door softly and flopped down on my bed. I tried to steady my breathing. I was shaking really hard. All I did was give a note to Thomas.

I then heard footsteps near my door. I sat up and saw a piece of paper being slid under the door. I got up, picked up the note, and sat down at my desk. I waited a few seconds before opening the paper.


           Thanks for forgiving Madison and me. I would've understood if you didn't. If it's ok with you we could go to the coffee place down the street at 3?


I let a shaky breath. Then it hit me. What of he was lying? What if they were just trying to gain my trust just to hurt me again? It wouldn't be the first time they did that.

I shook my head. For some reason, I could feel that he was telling the truth. I guess I would just have to go with my gut feeling.

~Thomas P.O.V~

I ran a hand through my hair, and looked at the time on my phone.


I sighed and decided that I should probably leave now so that he wouldn't have to see me before our meet up. I grabbed my coat and keys then walked out the door.

~Time skip cause im lazyyyy~

I nervously waited at a booth and watched the entrance to the coffee place. As my mind wandered, I saw a cute couple holding hands and drinking coffee. I wondered if they were soulmates. From the way they were constantly touching, I was pretty sure that they were. I wondered what colors looked like. Laf told me that they were beautiful.

He met his soulmate, Hercules Mulligan, in high school. I had to admit, they were a cute couple. You rarely saw them apart. They were always cuddling, holding hands, kissing, or sitting in each other's laps.

I sighed as I tried to imagine what having a soulmate would be like and the colors that would come with them.

~Alex's P.O.V~

As I walked over to the coffee place, I looked up at the sky. It was a sea of grey clouds, but it didn't look like it would rain anytime soon.

I walked into the shop and looked around. Then I saw him. He was resting his head on his hand and looking out the window. He wasn't paying any attention, so when I pulled up a chair and sat across from him, he jumped.

"Oh... uh, hey."

"...h-hey," I nervously replied. We sat in an akward silence for a few seconds.

Jefferson cleared his throat, making me flinch a little, and said, "I'm sorry. I was jerk in high school. I didn't mean what I said. Ireally expectedyoutonotforgivemeandgodIwasjustsostupidand-"

I cut him off "It's ok now." I gave him a small, nervous smile. "So... Jefferson, how's it going?"

Thomas gave a relieved sigh and said, "You can call me Thomas. It's been ok. It feels good to be back. How about you?"

"I'm fine. Do you want anything? I can pay."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded my head. He gave me his order and and as I was walksing back I looked put the window. The sky had grown darker and the wind was starting to pick up. Trees swayed in the wind. I frowned as memories from my past started to resurface. The storm was gonna be a bad one. I could already tell.

I rushed over to our table and practically shoved Thomas' coffee at him.

"We have to go back to the dorm now. Please?" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

He gave me a concerned look but nodded. We walked to his car and started driving. Rain started to pour down. Lighly at first, but was slowly becoming heavier. I tried to control my breathing. My hands had formed into fists. I was clenching them so hard that my knuckles had turned completely white. I closed my eyes to prevent any tears from escaping. I couldn't let Thomas see me crying.

My breath hitched as I saw a flash of lighting and the rumble of thunder.

Oh god...


( ,^v^,) ~❤️

The Colors of Soulmates {Jamilton} ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now