chp 9

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I was grinding on Jahseh before turning around and throwing it back.

I felt him hard against my ass.

"Let's get out of here" he said making me smirk.

"Lemme just grab a couple drinks and then we'll leave ok?"

He nodded and I kissed his lips before walking towards the bar.

Before I could reach the bartender someone pulled me into the giant group of people and dragged me through everyone dancing by my arm.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled before turning around to look up at a guy who I didn't recodnize at all.

"Do u know you or somethin?" I asked making the guy lick his lips.

"I'm Rob, you don't wanna be involved with that group. They won't treat you right" he whispered in my ear making me shiver.

"You don't know what you're talking about ima leave yo crazy ass now" I said turning around to grab the drinks but he pulled me into him roughly.

"Get the fuck off me" I yelled as he pulled me into the men's bathroom and locked the door.

"Have you lost yo damn mind?" I asked trying to push him off me but he kept kissing and biting my neck.

"Get off me Scooby-Doo headass nigga!" I yelled as he began to pull down the straps of my dress making my heartbeat speed up.

"Please get off me" I cried until someone opened the bathrooms  door.

"Kata?" Pump asked seeing that I had tears running down my cheeks he pulled a glock out of his waistband.

"Back the fuck up before I blow out yo brains pussy boi" Pump said making me feel relieved.

"Just wait til X gets in here" pump Said Pulling Out His phone.

"It wasn't going to go that far. I wasn't going to hurt her, there's no need to get X" the guy said nervously making pump laugh.

"You tried to rape her nigga you boutta die" he said.

X and Ski along with Bri and another girl I didn't recognize ran into the bathroom.

"Are you ok?" Bri immediately rushed to me with the new girl not far behind her.

"I brought a change of clothes for you" the girl I didn't know said pulling out a VS bag and handing it to me.

"You good sis?" Ski asked concerned by the bruises ok my arms and ruined mascara on my cheeks.

"No" I simply said before breaking down all over again.

It hurt. When he grabbed me I felt so helpless.

Just like when I was 7 and my mom's new husband raped me. Everyday when I would get home from school until I finally told one of my teachers and they called the police.

This man was going to rape me if pump didn't come into the bathroom.

I changed into the new clothes that the girl brought me (in MM) and cleaned up my makeup before coming back out of the stall to see Ski and X carrying the guys body out of the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry" the girl said making me hug her.

"Thank you, for everything" I said pulling away and looking into her eyes.

"No problem. I'm Aria" she smiled making me give a weak smile back.

"Katalina" I said before Ski came back into the bathroom and picked me up because I felt like I couldn't walk.

"He didn't actually get to do it did he?" Ski asked knowing in the back of his mind that if the dude actually raped Katalina that not only would X kill him, he would too, along with Pump, Wifi, Cam, and Bri.

"He almost did" I said letting more tears fall as he pulled me into him tighter before setting me down in jahseh's car.

"It's OK Sis, we're gonna make him pay" he said before closing the door.

"It's sorry I wasn't there for you" is all that Jahseh said the entire car ride before he carried me inside and to our bedroom.

"Itsmll be right back in promise" he said walking back out of his bedroom.

But he didn't come back. Not that night. Not the next. And not the one after that. He just left me there. Waiting for him to come back ND make it all better again buy he didn't. I was alone.

Authors Note:


Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter the new character is @theheroinmother-

She's super rad go check out her shit and follow her.

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