Chapter 13

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___'s POV

Waking up very tired, you looked for Levi in the room. But he wasn't there. Standing up, a piece of notebook paper fell down to the dirty floor. You started shaking, remembering the last note you received, the letter of rejection. Picking it up, you slowly opened it, hoping it wouldn't be like last time.

Dear ___,

I have gone out to look for Eren. I promise you we'll return before night. If you happen to wake up before we're back, don't be alarmed. Stay safe. I love you.

Sincerely, Levi

Knowing that you were still loved, you sighed in relief. Then you blushed slightly at the "I love you" part. Corporal loved you, but didn't really show it. Even though he seems intimidating, you know that deep inside, he really cares. Examining your leg, it seemed to be fine, but when you moved it around, it hurt like hell.

Trying to stand up and walk was not an easy task. You kept wobbling, almost falling. When you gave up on that, you sat at the bed. Looking around the room, you noticed a desk with a pen and a notebook on it. Slowly walking towards it, you sit at the brown chair that was with the desk. Opening the notebook, you took the blue ink pen and started writing.

Dear notebook thing,

i don't even know what's going on anymore. I was mad at Eren, for leaving me. I was being stupid. Now, I don't even know how I feel about him. He saved my life. I really did love him. Maybe I still do. But Lance Corporal Levi... He loves me? Mikasa did say I would eventually fall in love with him. I know he really truly cares about it. Perhaps I should give him a chance. Who will it be? Levi or Eren? I'll try to work this out somehow. For now, goodbye.

Sighing, you crumpled the paper up, laughing at how stupid it sounded. God, I'm helpless. Instead, you just left the paper in your hands. Sitting there quietly, you heard footsteps running up the stairs.

"___!" Levi yelled.

"___!" yelled Eren. Eren.

Levi busted the door open and walked towards you. "Are you okay? You aren't in much pain, right?" He helped you up, putting his arm against your waist. "Here, we'll walk slowly to the bed, and I'll examine your leg." Both walked in a slow pace, while you were in pain. "Ow. It really hurts." A tear slipped from your eye. "Shh, I'm here. I'll help you. Don't worry." You were seeing the real Levi, the one where he was kind and caring. When Levi placed you in the bed, you laid down.

"Strip," he ordered.

What. You blushed furiously. He kept looking at you annoyed, not aware of the meaning of the word you were thinking of.

"I said strip. Did I not make myself clear?"

All you could do was look at him with red cheeks. He closed his eyes. "I don't mean strip, like actually strip. Take off you pants."

"W-What?" you asked, embarrassed.

"How am I going to check your wound when I can't even see it?" he said.

"I don't know. At least, bring me some kind of blanket so I can cover myself up. Then you can leave the room while I'm changing," you demanded.

Sighing, he called out to Eren. "Oi Eren. Find a blanket for ___."

Eren walked inside the room slowly, looking at you. Expecting you to look at him, you instead faced the wall, avoiding his eyes.

He rummaged through the closet. Finding a dirty old blanket, he handed it to you. All you did was look at the wall while taking the blanket forcefully. He jumped back a little at you cold actions. Levi just looked at both of you, with anger in his eyes.

"Eren, I think you should leave the room." Levi hinted.

Nodding, Eren walked out just as slowly as he came in. You hugged the blanket tightly, hoping you'd get some comfort. Levi looked at you in disgust. "Gross. You're hugging, " he pointed at the blanket, "that thing when it's dirty?" Rolling your eyes, you remarked, "I think you should leave too. I'm about to remove my pants." He looked at you like you were the stupidest person on Earth alive. "How the hell are you going to remove you pants when you're in pain? You idiot, I'm helping you take them off.

Flustering badly, you pleaded, "Please! That's just wrong! Get out now!"

He smirked, enjoying you suffer. "You do not order me around, cadet."

Knowing you'd lose this battle, you reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but I swear to Wall Maria if you decide to do anything funny..." Leaving the sentence unfinished, you both knew what would be the consequences.

Grabbing the blanket, you carefully wrapped it around your body, making sure no part was exposed to his eyes. Then, you placed both hands to your pants and pulled them down slowly, obviously with him not being able to look. They left your hips and were below the knees. Mortified, you whisper slowly. "Please take the rest out slowly." Dying in the inside, you felt Levi's smooth hands brush your legs. This is so damn weird. you think.

You noticed him smirking, and you got weird feelings. "You shitty Corporal." He removes the pants in one swift pull. That's was it. You were now half naked in his presence. "Okay, now check my injury." He pushed aside the blanket covering your legs and they were now up to your thighs. Observing carefully, he determined the injury. "It seems as if you twisted your leg falling down," he slowly remarked. "I guess you won't be going to the expedition next week," he mumbled. "What? I didn't know we were having an expedition!" you exclaimed, shocked.

"Yes, it's the 57th expedition." He quietly said.

Meant to be (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now