Chapter 8

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Eren's POV

I was swiftly covering ground on my horse. Every second passing, and I was getting farther away from everyone, everything. Living inside the walls were like hell. You couldn't do anything because we were living in fear of the Titans. You didn't have the freedom you wanted. Unless you took action. Like I did. I joined the Survey Corps to exterminate them all. To see the outside world that we weren't able to see because we were trapped here. Now I'm here, not waiting for anyone to kill all the Titans. I can't stand being there anymore. Suddenly, I remembered that day Armin taught me about the outside world.

Flashback to that day~

I was sitting, watching the sky when Armin interrupted me. "Eren! Eren! Eren!" Armin yelled excitedly. He was holding a book in his arms. "What's wrong, Armin?" I asked. "My grandpa was hiding this..." he said, showing me the cover of the book, "A book about the outside world!" I was worried, "About the outside world? You aren't supposed to have that! The Military Police will arrest you." Armin crouched down, blushing lightly. "Forget all that... It says that the majority of the world is covered by a huge body of water called the 'sea'. And it's all saltwater!" I was clearly astonished. "Salt? No way! Salt's worth a fortune! The merchants would take it all." Armin immediately answered back, "It's too big to take it all!" I didn't believe it. It was too good to be true. "There's no way..." Armin just looked into my eyes, very happy. He continued talking, "And there's more..." He opened the book, revealing pictures of places I've never dreamed of. "Flaming water! Frozen earth! Plains of sand, white as snow! I'm sure the outside world is many times bigger than the world inside the walls!" All I could do was stare at the book with widened eyes. "The outside world..." I quietly said. Armin added to his speech," Also... This is still a secret, okay? But my mom and dad say they're going beyond the walls soon." I was very happy. "The outside world!" I exclaimed. "Hey, Eren..." said Armin. I looked at him while he continued, blushing once again. "Wouldn't it be great if, one day, we could go explore the outside world, too?"

End of flashback~

I suddenly stopped moving. My horse did too. Armin. I forgot about how we were both going to explore the outside world together. I hope he doesn't know I left without him. He's my best friend. Considering something, I decided that I was going to back for Armin. Yeah. I'm going back for him. He was, after all, the one who made me make this choice. But problem was, I didn't know where the hell I was. All I knew was that I was surrounded by all these big ass trees. Damn it. After I figure this out, I'm heading back to Armin.

___'s POV

You were crying in Armin's arms while he was in shock. All he could think about was that Eren betrayed him. But Armin was very understanding. He just let it go and kept comforting you. "Shh, shh. Everything will be all right. But how do you know Eren left the walls?" You handed him the letter. He read it and then understood the reason why you were crying. "___, I'm so sorry..." You shaked your head. "Armin, your apologies are not going to change anything. Now I've lost both Mikasa and Eren. My only wish is for them to come back. That's all I want..." You sniffed and wiped your tears. "What's wrong, ___." Petra asked nicely. Armin just looked at her and handed her the letter. Everyone crowded around her while Petra read softly. Then she gasped and everyone else did too. Krista went to hug you and Petra followed. Soon enough, you were in spotlight. "If Jaeger ever comes back, us guys will beat him until he begs for death, " declared Jean. Sasha patted your shoulder, to say everything will be okay. Petra held your hand tightly. And Krista hugged you -more like squeezed- you. All you could do was stare into space. Then, you got mad. "Eren, you're dead to me..." Everyone looked at you, clearly surprised of the words that escaped your mouth. Suddenly, Connie brought up another sad topic. Tonight was when Mikasa would be cremated. "Listen, please leave me alone now. I'm going to absorb everything that's happened today." You walked out quickly from the room.

Levi's POV

After every inch of my office was sparkling clean, I headed to get some fresh air. Surprisingly, I saw ___ heading the same way. I called out to her, " ___. Wait." She turned around and I noticed that her eyes were red. She was crying earlier, but why? Another thing I noticed was that the happiness that was in her eyes, were gone. Instead, they seemed to be replaced with hatred. Narrowing my eyes at her, I asked, "What's wrong with you." All I got from her was a grunt. "Bitchy, aren't we?" She just turned around and ran outside. I followed her by walking to her instead of running. When I finally reached her, she was gone. There was no sign of her. That girl is going to get such a punishment for leaving. Walking around for awhile, I came across the horse stables. As always, it was a mess. When I see ___, I'm going to assign her cleaning the stables. Then I had a horrific face expression; ___'s horse was gone. How did I not hear ___'s horse? Wow, I must be a shitty corporal for letting her run away. I thought. This stupid brat. I'm going after this time. There's now way she's getting away this time. Suddenly, I remembered something horrifying. ___ went into the Titan territory. With no gear. 

Sorry for the late update! I've been working on other books that have been published, but I made sure that this chapter is longer than the others. Thanks for reading! This chapter will be dedicated to: omgroxishutup! Btw I love her username. Well anyways, I'm actually working on the next chapter too, so expect it soon! Sayonara!~

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