Chapter 7

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___'S POV

After your crying was finally over and everybody stopped asking if you were okay, you headed to your room. Walking the hallways, you had a feeling that something was overlooked. Ignoring it, you kept walking. But this feeling was strong. Very strong. Changing your mind, you headed towards Eren's room. When you tried to turn the doorknob, it wouldn't budge. Strange, I was the last one here. It should be unlocked. Unless someone's been here already.... you thought. Some quick thinking and you immediately pulled a bobby pin out of your jacket's breast pocket. A female can never be unprepared. You started picking the lock for a while. Hurry up before someone catches you breaking into a male's room. Come on.... AHA! you yelled a little too loud. Crap. Just hurry up inside. you muttered. Eren's room was clean. Like, Levi Heichou clean. Was he here before you? Now is not the time to be admiring Eren's clean room. Figure out what made you feel uncomfortable and get out of here before Levi finds you. Searching every inch of his room was not an easy task. Giving up, you figured that the strange feeling was nothing important. Until. Until you noticed a paper crumbled in a waste basket. You picked it up, as if held life's answers. Folding it back to an actual paper, you read what it said.

Dear ___,

By now, you noticed that I have gone missing. I decided that I wanted to see the outside world like you said. I'm so sorry that I didn't take you with me, I know that you promised we would both go. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for what I'm about to say. Here I go. I never loved you. Never did. I only admired you as a friend, but nothing more. The one I really loved was Mikasa. I only kissed you and made you mine was because I wanted Mikasa to get jealous. When Mikasa declared her love to me, I was overjoyed. I was finally happy. The only reason I rejected her was because Hanji was watching from afar. I didn't want her to know that I secretly loved Mikasa when I was your boyfriend. Forgive me. When I come back- If I come back- I'll let you beat me to death. But for now, I want to explore the unknown. The world in which we will never see. I'm tired of being trapped here like livestock. That's what Wings of Freedom mean. Being free, like a bird. So long ___.


You were baffled. Shocked, even. Eren never loved you? Oh god. Eren. Why? I didn't do anything to you. Eren. I hate you. I loved you so much. You wouldn't believe how I felt about you. Eren. You mean nothing to me. Nothing to me. You hear that? Nothing... Surprisingly, you weren't crying. You just felt, hurt. Heartbroken. Used. Worthless. You walked outside of Eren's room, slowly taking one last glance at it before locking the door behind you.


Eren's POV

After ___ fell sound asleep, I got up from my bed and sat at my desk with a lamp turned on and a pen in one hand, while the piece of paper was in front of me. I needed to escape. Badly. But it will have to be tonight. This can't wait anymore, I have to leave. Writing what I truly felt on paper, I decided that I wasn't going to leave a note explaining my disappearance. Quickly crumpling up the paper, I threw it inside the waste basket. Hopefully, it would be thrown away. More importantly, when I come back, no-If I come back- ___ will still love me and will be extremely happy that I came back. She'll cry of joy and I'll propose to her and we'll get married. Yeah, that sounded great. I need someone to distract me of Mikasa's death. I know we're too young to get married, but I'll need her. Looking forward to tomorrow, I went to go pack my bags, leaving a peacefully sleeping  ___.

End of Flashback~

 ___'s POV

This was the thing that was making you uncomfortable? A letter of rejection? Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. You went to look for everyone. Fortunately, they were still eating lunch. They noticed you come back and waved at you. It didn't take long for Armin to notice something was wrong. The hint of sadness in your eyes was noticeable. "Hey ___, are you ok?" You softly whisper back while looking at the floor, "No Armin. I'm not okay. Eren is gone. I love him. No. Loved him. He's gone either way and I can't do anything about it. He doesn't love me. I don't care anymore. I'm done." A tear escaped you eye and splashed onto your boot. Armin quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around you. Everyone had their attention on you. Nobody liked seeing you cry. It made them sad. "___, what's wrong? Why are you crying. Please tell me. I don't like seeing you cry. Nobody likes seeing you cry. It makes me sad knowing I can't help you." You just wrap you arms around him and tell him the bad news; "Eren left to see the outside world."

1000 reads? You guys are amazing. I just want to thank you all for taking your time to read this. By the way, how is this book going so far? Please don't kill me for this chapter. *hides in a closet* Okay, I think I can last for a while here before someone comes to hunt me down. My first dedication goes to: Otaku1011 ! She's amazing in every single way, like you wouldn't even believe. Please check out her story about Jeff the Killer. Haha, I like it a lot. So, I hope you're enjoying this so far and comment to be dedicated! Sayonara!~

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