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___'s POV

Mikasa greeted you. "Hello ___, I have been waiting for you." As you turned around, you were finding yourself not in Eren's arms, but somewhere sunny and with a lot of clouds. The view was breathtaking. You were in Heaven. 

"No, I'm not dead... I'm not dead...not yet..." you said anxiously, beads of sweat forming on your forehead.

"___, we have to warn you about something," declared Mikasa, in a serious tone. 

"What? What is it?" you urged. 

Mikasa waited a few seconds before answering. 

"First of all, we need to know something for certain." 

You eyed her suspiciously. "What is it?" 

She pulled off her most dead serious face known to humanity. "___, who do you really  love. Eren or Levi?" A slight gasp escaped your lips. 

"Mikasa, you know I love Eren!" She rolled her eyes and continued. 

"___, I can see the truth in your eyes. You have feelings for the Corporal. They're not strong but they're developing." The beating of your heart increased rapidly. 

No, you don't love Levi. Or do you? Levi, Humanity's Strongest Soldier. He was a dedicated squad leader and was perfect in just about every way. Flawless, just flawless. At least, that was what you thought of him. You loved everything about him. Maybe she's right. Perhaps you did love him. 

"Mikasa, that isn't fair, he is and I'll admit it, attractive, but I love Eren." Her eyes narrowed and she implied something. 

"___, in the near future, something life-changing will happen. I was obligated not to reveal anymore, but all I'm saying is that something life-changing will happen." 

You sneered, "What are you? A fortune teller?" She walked towards you and pulled you up by your shirt, exposing your toned abs. 

"___, can you just trust me?" 

You exclaimed, "Okay, okay. I get it. I'll be aware of this event." She smiled, and it was a true beauty. "I'm leaving. Farewell ___." Mikasa hugged you and you wanted to break down into tears. "Mikasa, why'd you leave?" you asked softly. 

Sighing, she said, "___, goodbye." Mikasa was walking away, slowly fading. You reached out for her, but missed. Yelling to her, "Mikasa! Wait!" But she was gone. For good.

Eren's POV

I was awaken by ___'s whimpers during the night. I shook her lightly, trying to wake her up. 

"Wake up...." I told her softly. 

"Mikasa, why'd you leave?" Oh no. She's having a nightmare about her death. I shook her harder, trying to wake her up. 

"Goddammit ___, wake up." Tears were falling from her eyes quickly. No, no. She must be having a really bad nightmare. Suddenly, she cried out, "Mikasa! Wait!" Goddammit! "WAKE UP!" 

I yelled at her. Her eyelids opened, revealing red eyes. "E-Eren! Mikasa!" Sobbing, I pulled her up to her arms. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. I love you. Remember that." 

She sniffed, "Eren... Mikasa... She's gone." Tears silently ran down my face. 

"I know that already, ___." A few minutes later, ___ finally calmed down. "What were you dreaming about?" I ask her. 

"Mikasa.... She told me that something life-changing will happen." I see. I know exactly what Mikasa means. "I'm sorry ___. You'll soon find out what Mikasa meant." I kissed her cheek softly as she drifted off to sleep.

Oh my gosh. More than 500 reads? Seriously guys I am like a unicorn dancing on a rainbow. If that even make sense, but oh well. Please vote my story and comment! You don't even know how happy it makes me when someone comments! (: Any feedback or ideas? Comment below! Sayonara!~

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