Chapter Eight: River

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"Happy Birthday!" Several people in the staff room screamed as soon as River entered. He jolted and blinked a couple times.

"It's my birthday?" He asked, genuinely confused. Pulling out his phone he looked at the date, only to find that it was indeed the day he was born- December 6th. He wasn't sure how he felt about this new revelation.

A heavy arm draped around his shoulders, the person they belonged to having bent down to reach River's small height. "I came out of my hole, only for you to not know what day it is? How could you, Angel?"

River looked over at Landon's large form, "Sorry, who are you? I don't think I've ever seen you in the light of day." He joked, causing the larger man to shove him playfully. "But I honestly don't think about dates anymore, just days of the week. Sorry." River didn't make a habit of lying, but he didn't think his coworkers needed to know the truth, so he kept it to himself.

Landon ruffled his fluffy blonde hair, "That's okay, Happy Birthday anyway. How does it feel to be twenty?"

"I feel like a walking fossil."

The other staff members who were listening started laughing. "Welcome to adulthood, kid." Jason said good-naturedly. "We got you a fruit bowl, since you don't eat sugar. Be grateful we didn't buy a cake anyway."

River smiled widely at the coffee table which had a bowl overflowing with various cut fruits, everything ranging from golden melon and nectarines to apples and grapes. "Thank you so much! How did you even get half of these things?" He asked, examining the watermelon that definitely wasn't in season.

"Secret," Landon said conspiratorially, giving a little wink. "And for those of us who are human, we have cupcakes and donuts," he side-eyed River, as if daring him to say anything against it.

"Hey, just because I personally don't enjoy sugary things doesn't mean everyone else has to be the same. By all means, eat as many pastries as you wish." His words seemed to be the 'go-ahead' everyone was waiting for; as soon as they passed his lips, the other staff members all started digging into the treats like carnivorous wild animals. River looked on in amusement as he began dishing the fruit onto a plate to eat off of.

He took a seat on one of the leather couches and started small talking with people. In the back of his mind he wondered if it was actually okay for the majority of the staff to be on break. Maybe somewhere else it was fine, but this was a hospital. Dying people aren't going to wait while they all lie back and eat cupcakes.

That was what spurred him to eat a bit faster, and despite wanting to, he didn't go back for seconds- even though the pineapple was sweet and overall perfect. "Thank you all for the celebration, it was really thoughtful, and I thoroughly enjoyed it." River said honestly, standing up to address the room. "Although, as much as it pains me to say, we have work to get to."

There were some groans, but most agreed with him, throwing away their leftovers and heading to the sink to wash their hands and get ready to heal some people.

"Well, I have to go catalogue some corpses," Landon said, standing up from the recliner he was positioned on as he ate some donuts messily. "Angel, come over to mine tonight. The wife has a surprise for you."

River smiled happily, "Will do!" He honestly loved Landon's wife, Cozette. She was a wonderful person that had influenced River in more ways than one. For starters, because of her, he was much better with kids than he used to be. Whenever they spent time together, she would drag him to the park to play with the kids or make toys for homeless children. Cozette was a great inspiration, and River loved all the time he got to spend with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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