Chapter One: Loki

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Picture of Loki :)

He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but at the moment, stalking the most attractive girl in school to get any form of dirt on her seemed like the way to spend his time; according to his peers. He himself wasn't too keen on this whole blackmail stuff, but his friend, Drew, had some bones to pick with her, and for some reason he was roped into gathering information.

Of course, he would rather be bundled up in about three blankets with a bucket of ice cream and re-watching Attack on Titan, instead of freezing his butt off in the cold November weather, hiding in a bush with his idiot friends. But apparently his opinion on the subject didn't matter much to the others- at least in this particular situation.

"I'm cold." He complained, not caring if they were supposed to be silent as they watched.

"Shut up, Loki," one of his other friends, Andrea, hissed, quite invested on the revenge plot her imbecilic twin brother, Drew, had created.

Loki rolled his eyes and gazed back through the foliage to the girl he couldn't even remember the name of. She really was pretty; her hair was the color of burnt sienna, crawling down her back in soft waves. Her face was delicate and flawless, with a small, yet perfectly shaped nose, no bumps or scars to mar the perfect complexion of her skin. She was petite in figure, not necessary skinny to the point people would worry for her health, but definitely not large enough to be considered even a little overweight. Perhaps just the right amount of meat to sustain her health and make her look in shape. Honestly, Loki could see why the girl was popular. Not only did she have a truly marvelous outside appearance, her personality was gold- at least, that's what he had heard; he wasn't well enough known to be on the 'inside' and therefore, no one knew who he was.

And he liked it that way, the anonymity. That was most of the reason he thought this 'expedition' was completely useless and a waste of his time. He vaguely recalled the reason they were out here; it was something about some words spoken between Drew and the girl. Loki didn't know, and he really didn't care. He just wanted to be home and away from this stupid revenge plan.

"Dang it," Drew cursed, his gaze trained somewhere beyond the leaves and branches. "Angel is a saint, there's absolutely nothing dirty on her."

Ah, Loki thought, so Angel is her name. "Great," he said, deciding to speak up. "This mission was a fail. Can I go home now?"

Andrea shot him a glare. "We're doing this for our friends. You're supposed to be there for your friends."

Loki once again rolled his eyes, "Sorry, but my limits are at spying and gossiping." He stood up, ignoring Andrea's hands that were trying to pull him back down, and looked towards their last friend who was hunched up in a ball, playing on his phone. "Yo Seran," he said, shoving the other's leg with his foot to get his attention. He tore his gaze away from his phone and looked up at Loki questioningly. "I'm leaving. Wanna come with?"

"What no!" Andrea hissed indignantly, "You can't take half our team!"

Loki raised an eyebrow, "He wasn't even doing anything."

Andrea, offended, turned towards Seran. "What? How could you?"

"You know," Seran said, standing as well, "I think you care more about this operation than your brother, and it's his revenge plan." He then grabbed Loki's sleeve and pulled him away from the scene.

As they walked down the street away from the school where their expedition had taken place, a thought struck Loki and he turned slightly to his friend. "Seran is just a nickname right? What was your real name again?"

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