Author's Note Pt.2

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Hi... I hate to have to do this... But I don't know when or if I'll come back to this story.
Hear me out: I've lost inspiration. This story was something I wrote to get away from my crappy life, a way to vent my emotions and feelings, while creating fictional characters with my problems that I could control. In this story I could separate parts of my life and make it into a work of fiction that people could enjoy, something to distract others from their hectic lives, even if just for a little while. And it worked for me.
I could show people the way that I thought, and some situations I had been through (although I didn't expound on what is currently happening, instead making it my characters' pasts.) It was a way for me to hope. For example: Finn was a lonely kid, but now he has a club, and work friends. I have no friends, and there is an aching and debilitating loneliness each and every day of my life, but giving Finn friends was a way to tell myself that it wouldn't always be this way. People would stay with me, and I would no longer be abandoned by those I love.
Things are... changing. I guess. I'm still the depressed, lonely kid that hides in my room, torturing characters in my stories so that I feel better about myself. I'm still having problems that need to be fixed. But things are looking up. I no longer feel the need to continue this story (but oh how I want to).
It's just hard to find inspiration for this particular book, when all my reasons for writing it are becoming insignificant. Not really, but that's what my mind is telling me.
I will try to find a muse for this story, but as it stands, I can't continue. I will write other things, and maybe some day return to this story (which I view as my best work so far) but I don't want my lovely readers to wait for too long.
You all are amazing, and I love your comments and votes.
Keep being the amazing humans you are :)

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