Chapter Three: Allen

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Picture of Allen :)

"Jessica," He breathed, trailing his hand down the girl's cheek, "I was foolish, and I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you wanted, but you have to understand that I'm dangerous."

The girl shook her head fiercely, a few tears falling from her deep brown eyes, "I don't care. All I want is you.You're my soulmate and I- I love you," she breathed. He searched her face for any hint of a lie before hesitantly leaning forward and capturing her lips in a chaste kiss that displayed all of their feelings.

He broke away, resting their foreheads together, "I love you too." Jessica smiled brightly before leaning in again. Before their lips touched, his phone went off. He smiled apologetically and looked at the text that was sent. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

She looked close to tears again, "Promise me you won't kill anyone this time."

"You know I can't promise that," and with one last lingering kiss, he jumped out the window, leaving her alone in the dark room.

"Aaaand CUT!" The director called, as the lights turned on and Allen rolled off of the mattress he had fallen onto. "Good job. That's all for today. Tomorrow will be the big fight between John and Mr. Hannes. Allen," he said, calling over to their main actor for the movie. "make sure to get lots of sleep tonight, there's the big fight, and you can't look tired."

"I understand, sir. I'll be here at six in the morning. Tell me if anything changes," he nodded once to the director then made his way towards the changing rooms to get out of the set's costume and remove his makeup.

Just as he had wiped off the foundation painted on his skin, his phone rang. Sighing, he dug the device out of his pocket, making sure to look at the caller ID before picking up; the last thing he needed was to drop professionalism when talking to someone that was offering him a job.

When he saw who was actually calling, he rolled his eyes before answering. "Yes?"

A scoff sounded from the other side, "'Yes?' Wow, I feel so appreciated. That's not even a proper greeting."

Allen sighed, trying to sound exasperated but coming off more fond. "What do you want Ely?"

"Me and the husband are coming over, 'kay babe?" Allen knew that in 'Ely language' that meant they were already at his hotel and just waiting for the room number and key.

"Alright, but I just got off a set, so it'll be like twenty minutes until I can get there." Ely verbally pouted causing Allen to roll his eyes, "It's room number 64, and just tell the receptionist 'cucumber' and they'll give you a key."

"Oh, you naughty boy," Ely said, and Allen could imagine him winking.

"Shut up. Okay, I have to go, see you in twenty."

"Bye bye!" Ely exclaimed, "Kisses! I love you!"

Allen smiled fondly, "Yeah, yeah. Love you too." He hung up the phone and looked back in the mirror before him. He studied his reflection for a couple seconds, from the tiny bit of stubble to his warm chocolate brown eyes. Sure he was a bit vain, but who wouldn't be when quite a few people around the world dedicated shrines to his face. As hard as he tried to not be one of those stuck up people that think they're God's gift to humanity, he did have his moments where he honestly believed he was better than everyone else because he was famous.

Shaking his head he went back to cleaning the makeup off his face. He didn't have much, just enough to hide any little blemishes and enhance his eyes a little bit. The majority of the makeup was on his wrists, sprayed on foundation to cover up his names so the artist could write the name of whatever girl he was playing opposite. It always made him chuckle a little bit that all of his rolls had him as a straight male, but actually he was very gay. Not only did he have a single guy's name, he had three (he just went along and thought that River was a male as well). He kind of looked forward to his fan's reactions when they found out he was gayer than springtime.

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