Author's Note

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I am so sorry, and I am a terrible person for doing this to my wonderful readers, but I am going to take a while to update. I don't know when I can get out the next chapter, and I am sooooo sorry!

I don't even have a proper reason for doing this to you all, other than I am currently unable to write anything right now. I have hit that mental block so hard and fast that I think I fractured my skull (kidding).

But yes, I will try my best to write, but I don't want to give you a crappy chapter because I'm an incompetent writer who can't even keep to their set schedules (although to be fair I knew that setting a schedule in the first place was going to fail epically because I'm a terrible human being that shouldn't be allowed to post stories online.)

But yes, this is just a heads up so I don't pull a disappearing act for a month like the last time. I am, however, still forever appreciative for your votes and support, and I love reading your comments, and if they are reply-able then I will try my best to do so.

Feel free to message me on my board or privately message me, I am always open to conversation, and I don't turn anyone away. Even if you're a jerk, we can trade insults until the sun goes down (I have plenty of experience with that)

That is all for now. Once again, I am sorry, but I don't want to give you crappy chapters or no reason behind my absence. Thanks for your understanding.

Less than three,


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