Chapter Five: Loki

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Seran :)

"Mind if I cash in that promised date Saturday afternoon?" Finn's voice came over the phone speaker.

Loki found himself smiling at the prospect of an actual date with his soulmate, "Of course. What is it you had in mind?"

Finn made a thoughtful sound, "How about a picnic? The weather is supposed to be relatively nice this weekend, and I've been told I'm quite the gourmet chef when it comes to sandwiches."

Loki laughed, "Well, then I guess I'll just have to sample these 'gourmet sandwiches' of yours."

"Oh, before I forget, what do you want or not want on yours?"

He thought about it for a little bit, "Surprise me. Actually, no peanut butter."

Finn scoffed, "What do you take me for? When I said gourmet sandwiches, that wasn't code for a PB&J."

Smiling again, Loki decided to change the subject, "Alright then, sweetie," he could practically envision Finn turning adorably red at the pet name, "tell me when and where we're meeting and I'll be there."

"The park half a block from the cafe, and how about around one? Does that work?"

Loki thought for a moment about what he was doing that day; Netflix and reading. "Yeah, I'm free." He could practically hear Finn smiling from the other end.

"Great. I can't wait to see you again," now Loki could envision him looking at the ground shyly. Honestly, Finn was the most adorable thing to grace this world, in Loki's mind at least.

"You too, babe." There was a lot of flustered mumbling before he heard a quick 'bye' and the phone call ended.

Loki couldn't wipe the smile from his face even if he tried- his soulmate was just too cute. Sure Finn was actually incredibly attractive, but he was flustered easily and obviously a big dork. Loki could feel himself falling deeper for the college student, even if they'd only known each other for about a week.

From upstairs, he heard the front door open. He sighed, knowing exactly who it was- Seran. Since the confession a week ago, they had become closer in many ways; there were no longer any secrets between the two. But they also grew apart. It became harder for Loki to talk to Seran about anything soulmate related, not wanting his best friend to feel left out or angry because while he doesn't have any soulmate (which only happens to one in a million people) Loki has more than the average person (a polyamorous soulmate circle happens to one in three thousand people- so although it's rare, not having a soulmate is significantly more rare.)

Steps thundered down the stairs and down the hall as Loki tracked his friend's progress. The door to his room opened and in walked Seran. "Hey."

Loki smiled, "Hey yourself. What's up?" They hadn't planned this hang out, but Seran often just came to his best friend's house whenever he felt like it. It was a guarantee that Loki would be in his room; he never went anywhere or did anything- until he found his soulmate, that is.

Seran shrugged, "Bored."

"And you didn't want to hang out with Drew and Andrea?" He asked innocently.

Frowning, Seran became defensive, "Why? Do you not want me here?"

Quickly Loki flapped his hands around, trying to reassure his friend. "What? No! That's not what I meant. I just... we haven't hung out with them in a while, and I was wondering why you didn't try them..." He trailed off, not sure if he was making things worse or not.

Seran sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Sorry. It's just... since I told you, we've been... different." Loki looked away guiltily, "I didn't tell you so you could treat me like a delicate glass statue, I just didn't want to keep it a secret anymore. But I honestly want to know everything that goes on in your life. That includes when you meet each of your soulmates and your dates, and every. Little. Thing you want to fanboy about. We're still best friends, and I expect to know exactly what you feel. I'll tell you all of my emotions. This doesn't change anything."

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