Chapter Six: Finn

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Picture of Rick

He wasn't sure how to act anymore. How does one go about living with someone that, against all rules of humanity, has fallen in love with you. It wasn't just that, Finn wasn't sure how his roommate could fall for him. They had only started living together about six months ago, and in that time, Rick had been emotionally detached from him, and had actively avoided spending too much time in the same vicinity as the college freshman.

Finn wasn't quite understanding of how Rick could love him, when they didn't even really know each other. Besides, it wasn't as if Finn was just going to leave his soulmate for someone he rarely ever communicated with, so that confession was completely pointless. Well, aside from the changes he made to his normal habits.

He decided that he was no longer going to traipse around the apartment in only his underwear, nor was he going to try as much as possible to communicate with Rick (who in the past was about as responsive as a rock). However, despite those differences, not much had changed between the two- except for Finn being more emotionally constipated around the other. Rick still sat on the couch watching football through the entire day, ignoring Finn when he could, and the freshman still sang loudly and terribly off key whenever he was cleaning.

In reality though, Finn found himself leaving the house more often; going out into the cold that he so detested, just so he could avoid his roommate. He wasn't too surprised when his co workers became suspicious of him spending time at the cafe even after work hours. As soon as they confronted him about it though, he decided to spend his time away from the prying eyes of those who knew him.

Against everything that made Finn, Finn, he decided to join some clubs. In high school he had tried, but apparently they didn't like him enough. He had tried to talk to others, making friends, finding common interests, but the other people had always drifted away and not come back. After three months of being treated like an outcast from one of the lamest clubs on campus, he had gotten the message: leave please.

After that he'd been too scared to attempt again. So him trying to get into a college club, meant that he really didn't want to go home. As he stood in front of the billboard that showed all the available options, he wanted to cry- he was honestly scared of even more rejection; as if he hadn't gone through enough in the nineteen years of his life.

There were the groups for things that involved singing- whenever he tried he ended up sounding like nails on a chalkboard- or drawing- let's just say he couldn't even draw a childlike flower- or even a rocks and fossils club- he had always classified everything as 'rock'.

He sighed heavily, there seemed to be nothing that interested him or that he could actually accomplish. Then he saw it. It wouldn't be his first choice, but since he was relatively knowledgeable in the subject and it was one of the only ones he could actually see himself in (even if as a blurry figure or just a floating idea in the room), he signed his name on one of the lines underneath four others: Emma Price, Nathan Berk, Laser Trail (his parents must have been drunk), and Natalie Kingsley.

He was incredibly intimidated by the room number 428 and the Wednesday meetings which gave him a single day to prepare himself to either be rejected or accepted by complete strangers.

It wasn't as if he was scared of people or if he was shy or hard to get along with, but for some reason he just never had any friends. When he was a little kid, he had about twenty good friends, which was a lot for the small neighborhood he lived in, and he was friendly with all the people he met. But for some reason, as he grew up, those he called friends started drifting away, finding better people to hang out with- those who weren't as much of a dork as he was.

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