Chapter Two: Finn

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Picture of Finn :) (Changed because of Northen_Lights42's idea)

When he had forced himself to get up that afternoon, his hair sticking in every direction and the bags under his eyes making him look like a troll, he definitely wasn't expecting to meet his soulmate. He had stayed up well past four in the morning the night before to finish a college thesis on some subject or another he was too tired to remember. Now that it was noon and he had a job to get to, he seriously regretted his decision to cram.

After raising the top half of his body from the bed like some sort of zombie, he threw the covers off himself and stumbled his way across the room to his electric clock that was screaming at him far louder than he could handle that 'early' in the day (regardless of the morning having been over hours before).

With the insesent noise being cut off, he just stood by the clock, blinking lazily at the rest of his room and thinking about how he should probably clean it, but not having the energy. It took his roommate banging on the door and calling him a few choice words while reminding him that he had work in an hour, before he was able to drag himself to the bathroom. He avoided looking in the mirror on his way to the shower- he didn't want a heart attack before he got dressed- and turned on the water, probably at a higher temperature than was deemed humane.

As he stood under the stream of the water (adjusted to perfection after nearly melting his skin off), he looked at the names on his wrists. Normally the names were placed on the right wrist, like the names of two of his soulmates, Loki and Allen, but then there was the third; River. Honestly Finn didn't know what to make of this name. Was it a male or a female? Why was it on the left wrist? Who was River?

But aside from the questions surrounding his third soulmate, he often found himself wondering when he would actually meet his soulmates. He wasn't quite sure if he was lucky or not- having more than one person destined for him. While others had a single person they could give their whole heart to unconditionally, Finn had to share his heart. But he also knew that with a polyamorous relationship, he always had more than one person care for him, and that was something he had always wanted; multiple people to care for him.

Before he could spend the hour he had to get ready simply thinking in the shower, his roommate banged on the door again, "Finn! Get out of the shower! Do you want to pay for the water bill?"

Finn sighed but got out of the relaxing haze he was in, despite really just wanting to stay in the cozy liquid blanket for maybe a couple more hours. "I'm out, I'm out." The footsteps outside the bathroom door receded, leaving him to dry off and get ready for work.

By the time he had changed into his work uniform and grabbed his necessary accessories, he had twenty minutes left to get to work. It was a five minute walk, so he decided to hang out with his roommate for a bit- even if the man wouldn't want anything to do with the college freshman.

"Hey Rick."

Said man looked away from the TV and trained his gaze onto Finn. "What do you want." It wasn't necessarily a question, but he still wanted an answer. Rick wasn't the nicest roommate Finn had ever had, but he carried his share of the rent, and was cordial as well as didn't touch Finn's stuff without permission. He would have been the perfect roommate if he were just a bit more sociable.

"Just to talk?" He asked, wondering if that was okay or if he'd get snapped at for wanting a bit of a relationship with the guy he lived with.

Rick scoffed and turned back to the TV, watching a football game that Finn, under a normal situation, would have hissed and run away from like a cat. "Go to work, dork." Although the words could be seen as offensive, they were said with a fond tone, so Finn knew it was meant affectionately.

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