Say Something

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*Based off the song from A Great Big World

 I hear the echoes from our dead laughter still lingering in the air. But it is almost as if the air is frozen around us. I want to reach out and grasp your trembling hand, but silence blocks me. I'm trying. I'm trying so hard to reach you. It's not that you’re blocking me. It's that my help gets no response from you. I'm scared. Scratch that, I'm terrified. What am I going to do? Just say something, say anything. I don't want to give up on you.

 I hear you. I hear your concerned, gentle voice everyday trying to sooth me out of this shell. God, I'm trying hard. But I’m not the only one who needs help. You are trying to toss me a line to get back up on the boat while you are trying not to drown. I just can’t grab the line. I’ve tried for so long and my arms are aching. I need to rest. I need to give up. I need you. Don’t give up.

 I hear cries of despair all the time. Those cries are mine though. What am I supposed to do? Tell me. Show me. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry that this had to happen. I wish it was me. I started to laugh the other day. I was laughing about our hugs, kisses, moments, tickle wars, movie nights, walks in the park, and late texts at night. And then I started to really break down. But this time you aren’t here to help me-you left me all alone. Say something. Please. Don’t let me drown. Don’t let me drown.

 You’re the one that I love. You know this. I know this. The world knows this, my love. I don’t want you to give up on me. But how can I say that when I am giving up on myself? Every day I feel as if a piece of my soul is flickering away and dying. This silence is tearing apart our love. This state of depression is tearing at our minds. This insolation is ripping our souls. This unbearable sadness is making me so tired. I’m so tired.

 I hear the ringing of bells. They ring solemnly, and I want to give up. No, I need to give up. You’re the one that I love, but I have to say goodbye. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I would have followed you anywhere-we made that promise. I couldn’t be by your side this time. I was ,but fate tore us apart. I feel so small and weak without you. I don’t know anything. I was just learning how to love again. I was just learning how to live again. Say something. Please. I know it’s too late…I love you. I hope you hear me know. Say something…I’m giving up on you…

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