Of course he read the file

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I feel like crawling in my bed and never coming out, but it hasn't even turned 10am. I am sitting in the school office waiting for Jasmin to finish her statement with the dean. James is sitting next to me but one seat over trying to keep his distance since we are still in school. I know we have to be careful but the only thing I want right now more than anything is to be held in those strong arms of his.

The door to the dean's office opened and I immediately stood up. "Jasmin, are you ok." Jasmin walked out of the office with both bags from earlier in hand. "Yeah" she said in almost a whisper. "I think it's best if ya'll girls take the rest of the day off" the dean said from behind her. I nodded as I took the duffle bag from her hands. "Lets go home."

The whole car ride was silent. When we finally reached home I grabbed her bags and opened the car door for her. After opening the door to her new room I finally broke the silence. "Um...we can grab the rest of your stuff whenever you feel up to it." She looked at me confused. "This IS everything." I put her bags at the edge of the bed. One messenger bag she uses as a school bag and a duffle bag. That was everything. I suddenly started remembering things I thought I have already ran away from. I felt the room starting to spin. "Are you ok" Jasmin's voice brought me back to reality. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I said hoping it would not only get her mind off the events of today but distract me as well. She nodded.

Hours past and it was 4pm we had watched the first three Star Wars movies (episodes 4, 5, and 6). We both agreed that episodes 1, 2, and 3 never happened and should only be watched if a drinking game was involved or for theory research. The final end credit scene began as I shut off the tv. Jasmin looked a lot better now but seemed exhausted. She turned to me saying in her quiet voice "Would you mind if I went to bed? It's been a long day." I smiled and replied "Of course." She quickly scurried off to the guest room which became hers but hours ago.

I look at the clock and move to the kitchen to sit. This way I can hear if James walks by. It's moments like these I regret never getting his phone number. I sat and waited for 20 min before hearing the elevator . I run outside bare foot to see James floundering with his bag to grab his keys, my feet numbing from the cold ground. "James!" I said. He looks up pulling his hand from his bag with his keys in hand. He rushes to his door without saying a word I feel rejected until I feel him pull me inside his house as he slammed the door behind us. His arms wrap around me holding me tight. I feel like an electric shock has come over me telling me I am safe now. Out of nowhere my eyes became blurry. Before I know it I am crying. My hands are clutched to his shirt.
"Are you ok" he says. I don't want to say anything because I don't want to lie. We pull apart from each other just enough to see our faces. Both of our eyes are red. His eyes crinkled and eyebrows furrowed as he makes a worried face. I hate seeing this expression. I hate having him feel this way. I don't want him to worry. It's better not to say anything, right? A lie is ok if it's for the better....probably. I look down braking our gaze to say "I...I'm fine." My voice crumbles as soon as I open my mouth but made a sentence. I clear my throat hoping that my next words would be more convincing...
My heart jumps as I am shoved against the wall. The noise came from James's arm hitting the wall protecting my head from getting injured. "DON'T FUCK WITH ME" James yells. I flinch then reluctantly look up to see him teary eyed. I couldn't find the words to speak, but before I could James spoke in a quieter tone. "I read your file... did you forget I read your file..... I know."

My heart sank.

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