Black Lace Underwear

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I hurried home but the only thing I could think about is what he said "black lace panties." How could he have known. He must have been behind me when I was looking under his desk. I was red the whole way home until I got home to see large boxes flooding the entrance. I climbed over a few to reach my front door. I needed to change before attempting to put everything inside. I decided to wear a black hoodie crop top and some black leggings with my hair in a ponytail. Once I changed I suddenly heard a knock at the door.

I opened the door to see none other than Mr. Mire. "Hi your boxes or blocki... Ella?" We were both shocked and confused. "Mr. Mire? live here" I couldn't tell if I was happy or mad, but I was definitely embarrassed. When I remembered our last encounter luckily I wasn't wearing a skirt. "Sorry I am just about to move the boxes I got home and....wait sorry you live here" I just couldn't believe it. I think he was trying to process it too, do to the silence. The awkwardness broke once we heard the elevator doors open.

"Are you Miss Lopez? We have a truck full of furniture" I turned to my savior a big man with a clip board. "Yes um.. I will pay extra if you help me put these boxes in I am blocking the neighbors." Mr. Mire dropped his bag to the side of the door and took of his coat rolling up his sleeves saying "I guess I will help too since I can't get home anyway" with everyone's help it wasn't long till all the furniture was set up and the boxes inside. I paid the men who brought my furniture with a large tip, because of there help. Once they left it was just me and Mr. Mire. He was carrying a large box inside. He was slightly sweaty but with his sleeves rolled up you could really see his muscles. I must have been staring because he turned to me saying in a cocky voice "you liking the view" feeling a little courageous I replied "maybe" I instantly regretted it when a devilish smile emerged on his face. Trying to hide my face

I started putting plates up in the counters over the island. Exposing my midriff and apparently more because he said "so black lace on top to I didn't think you were one to match" I realized that with my hands that high up I exposed the underside of my bra. I quickly pulled my arms down. "Are you sure your not the one enjoying the view?" I said in a fluster as he walked towards me. He suddenly grabbed my waist picking me up on the counter pressing himself against me. Almost paralyzed in shock I closed my eyes biting my lip. I could smell his sweat mixed with a light hint of cologne. I felt his breath on my ear "You really shouldn't let men in your house alone" I was about to give in when he suddenly pulled away "well it looks like I am done here I will see you at school Ella" he quickly grabbed his stuff by the door but not before giving me a wink goodbye closing the door behind him.

Shocked and slightly disappointed I couldn't help but look out the window after him to see him go. I couldn't help but noticed he was blushing and how nervous he was he couldn't even unlock his door without dropping his keys. It looks like he is not as tough as he pretends. If he thinks he can get away with teasing me he has got another thing coming. Two can play at that game.

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