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A week past and it's only 20 days until my birthday and 14 days until Christmas. Lately I have been going to school early to hang out in James' class. Since his promise to not touch me until my birthday he has been really guarded around me. I find it cute to see him struggle but sometimes I want nothing more for him to take the bait.

I sat in a chair I pulled next to his desk so I could lean over to flaunt my cleavage. He is grading papers but can't help but glance up every now and then to look. "What did I get on the test" I pout. He started to laugh before saying "let's just say no one can acuse you of dating me for your grades." "What's that supposed to mean." I say voice raised. I start to blush realizing what else he said."did you say dati...."

Suddenly I hear running footsteps from behind me and I see Jasmin standing at the door with tears in her eyes. I jump up, and run to her. Once I grab her she falls to the floor. "What happened!" I was practically screaming when I feel a hand on my shoulder. It is James. Just his touch calms me down. I speak again but this time in a calm voice "what happened?" She is shaking and the tears won't stop. My blood started to boil to see her like this. She opened her mouth to say a jumble of words shakily. We can only make out a few between the tears. " I ..I .. sleeping .... someone... touched me." Another person appeared through the door. He looked in his mid 20's. Him an Jasmin make eye contact. He caught his breath before he said "What did I do?" Before he could say anything else I lunged towards him shoving him up against the wall. Before I could punch him I felt two familiar hands wrap around my waist pulling me away.

"STOP" Jasmin screamed grabbing my arm as James released me. Her eyes still red but tears no longer flowing she put herself between me and the mystery man. "It wasn't him, it wasn't Mr. Will" she yelled. "Then who was it?" I said in a furious tone. "Wait what happened." Mr. Will said. We all sat down in James classroom as Jasmin calmed down enough to tell us what happened. I on the other hand am a ball of rage who could have dared to hurt my friend.

Jasmin began to speak and the room fell silent. " I... um.. well I went to Mr. Wills room to take a nap because the nurses office was closed. He was there but had his headphones in so I slept on the far end of the classroom. Once I was asleep..." she started to tear up again. I looked up to see Mr. Will with a clenched fist looking ashamed. "...Once I was asleep I felt a hand on me and he.... put his hand...I woke up to see a man over me..." she Burst into tears. Me and James looked at Mr. Will wondering how he could not notice. He has now dug his nails in his palm enough to draw blood. "I am so sorry I should have paid attention." Mr. Will said with a groggy voice I turned back to Jasmine who has wiped up her tears. "What did he look like" I asked her almost positive I already knew who it was. "I don't know it happened so fast......maybe around 40 and blonde hair." Now I know who it is. I stood up grabbing James and Mr. Will by their shirts and walked a few feet away from Jasmin. "I think it's Mr. Ramirez" I said quietly expecting some resistance but both men just looked at me with fire in their eye. James ran to his computer typing something in before turning the screen facing Jasmin. She jumped and closed her eyes. That was all the confirmation we needed.

"I am going to kill him I swear I am going to kill him" I turned to the door looking for Mr. Will but he was already gone. Jasmin jumped from her seat with a worried look on her face. We all began to run towards Mr. Asshole Perverts room as we met up with Mr. Will he was completely red with a vain popping out of his head. When we reached the door we all stopped to see the asshole at his desk "hey fucker" I yelled. He stood up smiling until he saw Jasmin hiding behind us. He opens his mouth to speak but I don't want to hear it I start to charge towards him but before I can even take a step both James and Mr. Will flew by me and simultaneously punched the pervert in the stomach.

A couple hours past and we are all in the deans office except mr. Ramirez who is in police custody and Mr. Will who is stopping by his classroom to grab Jasmin's stuff and assign his class some work. The dean and Mrs. quill (A social worker/counselor on staff that me and Jasmin knew very well because she was in charge of all the special cases in the school) stood in front of us as me and Jasmin sat down in the chars in front of a large desk. James was behind us standing. The dean who I only knew to smile had a stern look on his face. "Now how are we going to handle this" the deans voice thundered in my chest. As my heart pounded. We heard a knock at the door and it then opened. Mr. Will walked in carrying two bags one I recognized as Jasmin's school bag and one I didn't. A duffle bag. He placed both bags next to Jasmin. The dean turned to Mr. Will. "Do you have anything to say since this happened in your room." Mr. Will looked down ashamed as he was about to say something Jasmin jumped in "He wasn't in the room when it happened". Me and James both looked at Jasmin since she told us different. Mr. Will stayed his head down but staring at Jasmin.

The dean cleared his throat "If that's all that happened Mr. Ramirez will be terminated immediately and Jasmin will be put in foster care." I leaped from my seat confused. "Wait, what? Why? She didn't do anything wrong." Mrs. Quill gave a smile that could soothe even wildest of animals and spoke "When every thing happened we tried calling Jasmin's parents but were informed by the landlord that her mother is no were to be seen and the property has been foreclosed." The dean chimed in "We can't have her living on the streets now can we." Jasmin sank in her chair. "What about me she can live with me." I said before thinking, but I can't let her go into foster care. Not with knowing what it's like. "I live alone and have a spare bedroom, wouldn't it be better she lived with someone she knew" Jasmin stared at me confused but I saw she didn't want to go to foster care. Mrs. Quill looked at the dean and then to me "Well legally it wouldn't be an issue and she can file under the Mckenny Vento act so she can sign her own paperwork, but ultimately it's Jasmine's choice." I turned to Jasmin waiting for her answer "are you sure it's ok" she said.

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