First Day Part 2

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1-4 period was pretty tame. I was able to keep my head down until I found myself walking in a familiar hallway. I looked down on my paper once again. Why didn't I notice this before 5th period English with Mr. Mire. Suddenly I saw him standing outside giving everykone who entered his classroom a handshake. If it wasn't awkward enough.

I slowly walked toward him hoping I could just slip in his class without him knowing. But suddenly I felt a hand grab mine. We both looked up slightly blushing when our eyes met. He let go fast and grabbed the back of his neck. Mr. Mire no longer looked aggravated like he did before but had a worried look instead. I quickly scurried in the classroom waiting to be assigned a seat trying to avoid any eye contact. When suddenly he spoke. "Well class we have a new student today. Won't you introduce yourself." I tried my best to smile "Hi I am Ella. I Hope we can all get along" he motioned for me to sit in the desk closest to his, next to a few quiet kids. Next to me was a girl with a uniform you could tell was second hand but you forgot about it once you noticed her faint smile as she scribbled in her notebook. "Do you like to draw?" I asked which seemed to have caught her off guard. She spoke so faint almost like a mouse. "Uh... yeah"

The class began but I couldn't tell you what he said. I was to worried about how I would escape to avoid any conversation with this man. The bell rang but before I could get up my stomach sank. "Ella stay for a moment." I was captured. Before I could open my mouth to apologize he spoke. "I am really sorry about this morning, it was completely unprofessional. I was just told some bad news...anyway I should have separated my private and work life. I took it out on you and I am sorry." I was shocked was this jerk not who I thought he was. "I am really sorry too, I just moved here yesterday and everyone has given me superficial and condescending smiles. I shouldn't have acted the way I did I kinda just blew up on you." His worried face calmed and his body relaxed he sat on his desk and gave me a smile that I swear caused global warming. "I am glad we straightened this out" he said as he ruffled his hair. "you can go and enjoy your lunch"
I couldn't help but wonder if he saw me blushing when he said "you can come in here for your lunches my room is always open."

I turned to my bag to hide my face as I bit my lip. "I think I will take you up on that offer." The whole lunch we talked and found out we had so many common interests. We both were geeks at heart that loved playing video games and reading and listened to some heavy metal and rock. It was so nice to finally talk to someone that I had so much in common with. I was immediately sad when the bell rang to end lunch. The rest of the day was very relaxed except my last class I had a Mrs. grey. I decided she was the wicked bitch of the west wing.  so when the final bell rang I was relieved to say the least.

I went to look in my bag to grab my car keys but they weren't there. I frantically looked around my desk and saw nothing. I decided to retrace my steps asking my previous teachers if anyone found any keys. Once I got to Mr. Mire's class I saw he wasn't there so I decided to look myself. I looked under all the desks but couldn't find anything until I saw something shine under the teachers desk. To get it I had to bend down on the floor. Once I reached it I was disappointed to see it was only a quarter. Suddenly I saw a shadow come from over me. I jumped and hit my head on the bottom of the desk.

"Are you okay" a familiar voice said as they dropped to the floor next to me grabbing my head. " just stings" I opened my eyes and looked up to see Mr. Mire's face only an inch away from mine we both turned red as he quickly retreated. And covered his face saying "Um...I...I didn't mean to I just..." I burst out laughing. "It's fine I should be the one apologizing I was looking for my keys." He helped me off the floor and reached in his pocket to hand me a pair of keys. "Where did you find them I was looking everywhere for them" he gave a light chuckle "you dropped them when you ran away from me this morning I was out trying to find you." "Thank you so much" I grabbed my bag and coat heading out the door when out of nowhere I heard "black lace panties..huh" confused at first I suddenly remembered. I turned around beet red to see him smiling a devious smile before I ran off to go home.

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