The First Day Part 1

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The dreadful morning finally came. The morning I had to go to school. I put on my uniform. Luckily I only had to wear it Monday - Wednesday, on Thursday and Friday I could wear whatever I wanted. But sadly it was Wednesday so uniform it is. The morning was colder than I expected so I wore black sheer tights underneath, and a black penny coat with a burnt orange scarf over. I decided to straighten my naturally wavy/curly hair. When I do I think I look older, or should I say more my age. I applied simple makeup with a burgundy lip tint that went perfectly with my brown hair and eyes.

I was about to leave before I remembered I bought some chocolates to give to my neighbors. There is no time like the present to introduce myself, and since it's winter my coat covers my uniform. I searched through a box on the counter until I found what I was looking for and headed out. I first went to my neighbors to the right to meet a lovely young couple, Janet and Rick , not much older than myself. Luckily they loved the chocolates. I invited them over for dinner once I got settled in. I went to my neighbor to the left but no one was home so I decided to greet them later.

I headed to school in my car I bought recently once I heard that traveling in Texas without a car was practically impossible. I soon saw a building that eased my frustration. Once I signed the
necessary paperwork I was sent to meet the dean. He was a tall elderly man with a smile that went from ear to ear he walked with a slight limp but the way he carried himself you would have never known. "Hello, I am Ella Lopez I hope you remember me from our emails." He grabbed my hand and gave it a firm shake. "Well young lady it is wonderful to finally meet you. I have personally looked over your file and made sure the proper accommodation would be available." I gave a polite smile and replied "Thank you so much I really hope my work won't interfere with school to much." He motioned for me to follow him through the office. "How is your business by the way. It's hard to believe a lady so young could have come into such wealth." I followed him " well it going really well the online sales are still growing and I have new ideas everyday."

You see I have earned a small fortune from starting a clothing line based of my paintings. Of course I use an alias to run my business so my private life is my own, but to be able to work and go to school I had to let a few people know including the school.

While we were talking the bell rang. All the teachers were gone except one that seemed to be gathering some last minute papers. He was tall and wore a loose fitted collared shirt and dress pants, but you could tell he worked out. He had brown hair and dirty green eyes with a chiseled chin. He looked like he was still in his 20's. The dean then spoke which broke me from my infatuation. "Mr. Mire, you have morning period free won't you take Miss Ella Lopez here to her first class I believe it's in your hallway.." Mr. Mire looked at me with one of the fakest smiles I have ever seen "Yes sir, definitely" and preceded to walk until I followed.

He walked with many papers in hand struggling to keep them from flying. "Can I help you with that" I said trying to brake the silence and lighten the mood. He responded "I wouldn't want you to chip a nail" in a snarky way and mumbled something about how he is stuck with a brat now of all times. Dumbfounded and insulted I felt I was about to burst until we reached his class room. "Look your room is two doors to the le.." I went in his room and shut the door trying to not raise my voice where anyone else would here me. "Excuse me but what gives you the right to judge me. I worked my ass off trying to build something that could financially support me. I am not some prissy freeloader that has there daddy pay for everything. I work everyday to pay for my own things." I took a deep breath to see his surprised face. Realizing what I had done I began to blush in embarrassment. I turned to leave when I bumped into the doorframe before making my escape.

I looked at my schedule to see my class was only two doors down. I gathered some composer before entering the room.

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