5.B O B B I & C H A N C E

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Hello, my name is Bobbi I'm 24 years old and I am the girlfriend of Chance The Rapper. Chance and I have been together for 5 years. When I tell y'all that this man is thee love of my life I mean it, but lately shit haven't been the same he's been getting jealous at every kind of contact I have with a man and be bitchin at me for the stupidest shit ever. I've dedicated 5 years of my life to that man and I'll be damned if he switch up on me now. That's why we're going to be doing a reality show for couples who need counseling. I don't give a damn what Chancellor has to say his ass is going! And plus we get PAID for it, can't get no better than that right?
I walked into Chance and I room to see him laying in bed watching tv.

"Baby" I said as I plopped down beside him.

"What the hell you want Bobbi?" He asked with a attitude. See what I mean?

"We need to go to counseling" I bluntly said.

"No the fuck we don't" he said finally focusing his attention on me.

"Like hell we don't, Chance you seriously need to work on your jealousy and yo gahdamn mood swings. I love you Chance I really do, but how much more of this you think I can take before I end it all?"

"Fine Bobbi! I'll go to this dumb ass counseling thing, because I refuse to lose you over something like this, I love you girl and I want to marry you one day" he said as he planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you too, now pack your bags we leave in two days" I say as I skip out the room excitedly while leaving Chance there with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

I happy he's willing to work on his ways for us.

- blue_mixx did you like it ? Sorry it seems rushed

Ps. More is being published tomorrow stay tuned ! - Daisa♥️

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