roleplay one-shot part 4

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 Extra long part cause it's the end, we sped it up xD (9853 words) have fun.


Maui was content beside her he loved the sound of breathing beside him.

Because of all the heat of the past days, storm clouds have been forming and in the middle of the night, rain had begin to fall on the island of Motunui. Thunder and lighting was heard and seen all around and many woke up by the hard sounds. Moana quickly woke up and noticed the warm presence behind her. Groggily she turned around in his arms. "Maui?"

Maui opened his eyes blearily and blinking. "Hey curly."

Then hearing rain he remembered the tiny hole in the roof of the guy that checked out Moana earlier, but quickly turned it from his mind, he deserved it.

Sleepily, she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "I thought you were going to your own fale for the night?" She didn't mind his warmth at all though, she even snuggled closer in his chest.

"I um, sensed the rain and I knew it would be cold." He told her. "Remember I'm the Demigod of wind and sea, I know when storms are coming. If you want me to go to another fale I will." he whispered making as if to leave but teasingly.

She protested sleepily. "noooo, don't go." She gripped his sides with her small hands. "Stay..." She yawned again while kissing the place Mini Maui was sleeping on the Demigod's chest.

Maui chuckled and snuggled back with with her. A storm like this he knew the villagers would most likely stay in their fales.

Moana's eyes fluttered close again, not at all affected by the harsh thunder sounds outside. Because she knew, she was save in her lovers arms. He leaned over and kissed her forehead holding her protectively in his arms. 

The thunder didn't stop until late in the morning. However, the pouring rain stayed and nobody would be able to work. Moana decided that staying in Maui's arms was the only thing she actually wanted to do today, so when she slowly woke up again, she faked she was still sleeping.

He snuggled only closer, he was awake and kissed her cheek gently worried of waking her.

She sighed happily, she could differently get used to this...  He just lay quietly watching her enjoying the image his large eyes staring at her oddly. 

Getting enough of keeping her eyes closed, she faked waking up.

Fluttering her eyes and inhaling Maui scent heavily, she 'stretched out' and placed her arms around the Demigod's neck. "Good morning." She whispered when she opened her eyes.

"I love watching you sleep, you're even more beautiful asleep." he whispered softly.

She snorted. "Creep."

He chuckled and brushed a hair from her face.

She kissed his palm in the progress before leaning in an placing a kiss on his lips.

Maui narrowed his eyes happily and pulled her closer kissing her back.

She playfully nibbled his lower lip before pulling away and giving him a hasty kiss on the nose.  He sighed ever since he'd come here he had realized he had been much more content. He was happiest when near her. 

Mischievous he reached over and ruffled her hair trying to mess it up and she shrieked. "MAUI NO!" She giggled loudly while trying to stop him. He laughed pleasantly. He loved teasing her. 

She decided to do a payback and ruffled his hair too.  Smirking he teased. "I could very easy put you out in the rain." 

But then kissed her letting her know he wouldn't really do it.

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