new beginnings

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Their island was dying.

Not long after Moana restored the Heart of Te Fiti and got back home, did they notice that everything eatable was sick. Not because of the curse, that was now lifted, but because of continioud use of the ressources on Motonui. They had to find another island, perfect for all of them to live on before everything was gone and they would die of hunger.

Moana was now sailing with three other men. Aia, Pekai and Ario. Funny enough, they were brothers, sons of the head-fisherman, Pekelo.

They were also very good friends and almost brothers to Moana. So she knew they wouldn't do a thing to hurt her.

They were already for a week at sea and almost trough their food and water supply, but Moana insisted on going north and not going back. She stayed up for the second night and was determend on finding the island any day now.

"Moana, maybe it's best if we go back now, we will probably be without food in about two days and it's a week travel back home." Aia, oldest of the four, insisted. Moana however, rolled her eyes. "And that's why I say to keep sailing." She snapped at him and broke the confrontation by showing her back and checking the water.

"You are a reckless child!" Aia shouted and the thief's daughter abruptly turned around. "Excuse me?! I am still your future chief and deserve respect!" She sneered back. "You are 10 years younger then me! I deserve the same respect!" Before the girl could answer again, Pekai was between them. "Stop you two! Fighting will get us nowhere. Let's just look for that island, okay?" Aia was planning on saying something again but was stopped by Ario. "Aia, chill okay? Moana knows what she is doing." The oldest huffs for the last time and goes to the other side of the little canoe, which is just 15 feet.

Not long after their argument, Pekai notices something in the sky and it was confirmed and noticed by the rest of the crew when they heard a birds cry. Moana smiles brightly and sighs a small breath of relieve when she even sees a small black siluette on their north-west side. She demands the men to slightly turn the boat to face the black dot and gets more exited every passing hour of getting closer to the now very big looking island.

When they crossed the reef, it didn't look like a tribe lived on the island, but to be sure, Moana used her signed oar as weapon, the men used selfmade weapons of wood and stones. They slowly got on shore and made sure the canoe would stay on the sand before they began to walk on the grass and then in the forest.

Scanning every inch of the island, nobody found a sign of life, which relieved them all for a great deal. However, Moana just discovered a cave in one of the mountains and decided on exploring it. She walked in and saw beautiful drawings on the walls, paintings that showed ancient myths. She places her hand over one of Maui stealing the heart of Te Fiti and sighed. It was a shame that the people that lived here didn't know how it ended. She let her hand slip off the wall and continioud her path. She turned a corner, only to look at half rotten tapas hanging from above, indicating there was an important room behind those wild grown wallflowers. Carefully holding the mats aside, she stepped in a room full of bones and half shredded clothing. Holding back a sob, she let herself fall to the ground. These people must have scensed danger and tried to hide from it. Only to be catched in the middle of it.

She heard feet coming closer in the cave and suddenly come to a stop.

"By Te Fiti..." She could recognize Pekai's voice and could only whisper a weak 'yeah' in responce.

"Moana, maybe it is best if we leave this cave and let Aia and Ario make sure this side of the cave is blocked before we come back with the full tribe." Moana nodded obiedently and stood straigh, walking with Pekai back to the boat.

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