random little one-shots with pictures~

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I'll probably make more parts of this because these little one-shots are my actual story line. I will not make any actual fanfictions anymore cuz I just don't feel good going those... I will keep on making one-shots tho (if I have the inspiration)  

btw, for all of you who know who 'Pekai' is, his names has been changed to Akamu


  It has been a month now that Tui has been laying sick in bed

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It has been a month now that Tui has been laying sick in bed. In that time, Moana had taken over the role as chief until he got better.
Or at least that's what the healers said.

How longer her father keeps hidden in that fale, how more convinced Moana is that her father isn't getting any better. It all started when he needed to sit down after a long walk, later he also mentioned he wanted to rest after carrying multiple things around Eventually he needed a stick to walk around because he kept stumbling and complaining about a bad knee. After a while, the healers began to tell him to take longer breaks or even rest for full days before doing chiefly duties again. Moana started jumping in for him whenever he felt too tired and ended up doing everything her father was supposed to do.
The villagers started going to Moana for help instead of going to Tui's bed and eventually Moana didn't even have the time to check on her father every day.
She was very suspicious about her father's slinking health and decided to go and check with him when she thought it was calm enough to not be around for once.

Pulling the tapa's aside to get into the small hut, Moana was met with the sound of heavy breathing. "Dad?" She whispered. She was not familiar with the sound and she was very sure her father did not inhale like that the last time she was by his side. She slowly walked to where he was laying down, clearly awake, but in pain.
"Moana.." Tui's voice cracked, he clearly hadn't talked in a while. With that, Moana rushed to her father side and sat down on her knees.
"Father... How.... How are you?" She dared to ask. A long inhale was all she needed to hear before silently telling him not to say a word, but of course, Tui wouldn't be him if he obeyed.
"I've been better..." He coughed shortly after that. "How are chief duties? Is everyone doing alright?" His voice felt dry and he coughed again. Moana quickly looked for a coconut to let her father drink the sweet water inside while she talked. "Everyone has been prepped for the wet season, making sure everything is waterproof and all that..." She felt silent, seeing her father wanting to say something.
"That's not what I meant.." He sighed. "How do you feel about the whole situation... the fact you have to do all the chief duties, while I'm... While I'm paralyzed..?" He looked at his daughter with sad eyes and everything crashed upon the young woman.
"Par.... Paralyzed? All the healers said is that you needed rest... that you would get better" Her voice got desperate and cracked at the end.
All Tui could do was give his daughter a sad smile. "I can still move some parts of my upper body.. just, not my legs..." Moana gave a quick glance towards the tapacloth laying over her fathers waist and legs. She scooted closer towards her father and laid her head upon his large chest softly, directly hearing the rhythmic thumping of her dad's heart. She sighed in relieve and retreated back to a sitting position.
Tui smiled reassuringly towards his daughter. "That still works..." Moana let out a small chuckle at the weak joke, but understood he was trying to calm her down a bit.

They were interrupted by the sound of the hanging tapa's opening and closing. Moana turned to look who it was, when she saw the old healer woman Mahealani come in the fale with some coconut shells with paste in it.
When Tui tried to sit up, Moana quickly rushed to help him in a good sitting position before she relaxed again.
"Moana, some of the villagers need your help with something." The woman informed, but Moana was reluctant to leave.
Tui chuckled lightly. "I'll be fine Moana, you checked it yourself." He gave her a mischievous smile, which made Moana realize he didn't need as much attention as the villagers did. She sighed and gave her father a light kiss on the cheek before getting back outside and helping those in need.

The days went by quickly and Moana didn't have the time to visit her father, mainly because the first harsh winds started to pick up and posts of fale's were already shifting.
She just got out of one of the fixed fales when she heard someone frantically calling her name. She turned to see the healers apprentice running to her. "Moana! It's your father!" She called out and the Taupou didn't need to hear anything else.
running as fast as she could, she stumbled over to the healing hut and threw the tapa's aside to get inside and rush to her father's side, who looked even worse then he did a week ago.
Her mother was already seated next to him, a sobbing mess. Tui's face had a white hue to it and his eyes had big bags under them, showing how little sleep he had because of all the pain.
Moana grabbed her fathers hand gently, looking if she got any reaction from him. He sighed deeply, clearly done with everything as he gazed at her tiredly.
Sina had enough of it and with red eyes from crying, got out of the fale to catch some fresh air. As Moana watched her go, Tui sighed again.

"Your mother already said goodbye..." He silently told his daughter, whom snapped her head towards her father in a flash. "Wh-what?" She started sniffing. "What do you mean dad?"
"I don't think I have much longer to live Moana... I'm tired.. I'm done... Everything hurts..." He sighed sadly as a tear rolled down his daughters cheek and wiped it away. She grabbed his hand to keep it on her cheek, to keep the comforting contact she needed.
"But... There are things you need to know before I go, minnow.." He used the old nickname, only letting more tears fall down on the young adult's face. "The elders will be very disturbed with an unmarried female chief-"
"I'm not going to marry, dad..." Moana hiccuped and sniffed again. "I can perfectly lead our people without a husband..."
Tui sighed yet again and pulled her closer. "Moana... I would be perfectly fine with that for a while... but the elders wont.. If you want their respect -and you'll need it too- you will have to marry..." After the short speech, Tui coughed harshly, but it was gone quickly.
"You know how I think about marriage father.." She still tried to convince him. He only shook his head. "If the elders let you do what you want, the villagers will get unsure with an unmarried chiefess.. Moana, obey from the first time for once and accept whatever the elders put you up with..." His voice slowly grew weaker, a sign he was slowly going away.
Moana closed her eyes as she realized this was really happening. Tears started leaking through her closed eyelids and she couldn't help but start sobbing softly.
"I don't want you to go..." She whispered as she leaned in closer. She held the big hand of her father tightly against her cheek as he moved his thumb to get rid of some leaking tears.
"Come now Moana... Has your grandmother ever left you...?" He asked tenderly, eyeing the tattooed manta ray on Moana's hand. She sniffed and shook her head lightly. "Then I will never either." He assured her, as he unsteadily tries to pull her closer. The young woman quickly got the hint and leaned in to give her father one last honi, as he gives her his last breath.  

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